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37 Year Old · Male · From Spokane, WA · Joined on May 7, 2007 · Born on May 16th · 1 person has a crush on me!
37 Year Old · Male · From Spokane, WA · Joined on May 7, 2007 · Born on May 16th · 1 person has a crush on me!

Glitter Text Maker Layout Codes
BEST Nationalities Graphics and Images

Glitter Text Maker Layout Codes
BEST Signs Graphics and Images

My life has changed quite drastically recently... I've relocated from Woodinville to Spokane (for those who don't know, on the other side of the state). I hold a full-time job with American Ironworks and Erectors, a steel erection company (I'm thinking about naming my band after this line of work...STEEL ERECTION, TONIGHT ONLY AT THE GRACELAND!!! Yeah, it sounds pretty cool). We are a union company so I'm a member of the Ironworkers Local 14. It's hard fucking work, but it pays great and is much, much fun. I miss my friends constantly but have begun to make new ones recently...of course, I will never find "The Homies..." I've also begun playing my guitar more (a newly purchased 'Schecter C-1 Elite.' It's amber (oh, hello Amber!) with gold hardware and abalone binding. The fucker LOOKS fast. I'm playing it through a Line 6 30 watt Spider II amp.)

Who I Would Like to Meet (oh, yes, I merely copied this from my 'myspace') :
Well, beside Odin and the rest of the Aesir who I expect to be greeted by in Valhalla, the list is short. I suppose since this is just a fantasy and time does not apply I would enjoy sitting with George Washington for obvious reasons and possibly Adolf Hitler...one cannot deny not only his influence on our present time, but his uncanny ability to persuade an audience (that audience being no smaller than the entire country of Germany). A worthy subject, I would assume. C.S. Lewis would be capable of a great conversation. Bach, of course, as his music has had such an impact on me and my music (my favorite song of his being 'Fugue in Gm.' For any of you who care, Yngwie Malmsteen (yet another who's company I would like) does an impressive cover of this masterpiece. I would love to meet Patrick Stewart. A master player. And then there is the myriad of contemporary metal musicians I would also enjoy to meet from bands most of you have never heard of, so there is no point in mentioning them all here. Naturally, I have left out many others who I would like to meet but I don't care enough to take the time...

37 Year Old · Male · From Spokane, WA · Joined on May 7, 2007 · Born on May 16th · 1 person has a crush on me!

Music is my life. I like listening to it almost as much I love playing it. Guitar, while being the instrument I have chosen to follow most intensely, is not the only instrument I enjoy to play. The mandolin, piano, and (yes, you may all have a good laugh) the recorder (remember from grade school?) are others that I am able to create with. Lately I have also been getting in to the actual art of recording music and have been met with many challenges. After purchasing an eight-track digital recorder off of e-bay (for those who care it's a Fostex FD-8, one of the last eight-track simultaneous digital recorders) I have realized that it is not just a plug and play sort of gig. Levels on certain tracks seem to spike for no apparent reason (the reason, of course, being operator error) and syncing tracks without computer software takes a little time to get used to. On to my other interests I enjoy reading, quiet, snowboarding, and bicycling (as long as it's not fucking snowing outside).

One may think another with such passion in music as to liking a variety of genres. As my friends know, my taste is very specific. I can stand most classic rock for a period of time, and like to listen to many 80's New Wave bands such as The Boomtown Rats and Devo or the Cars, but my real interests are Metal (in all its forms) and Classical. I enjoy listening to the old Norwegian Black Metal artists like Satyricon (before they turned a little gay) and Burzum just as much as I like relaxing with Chopin or Bach (and lately, Dvorak). Lately, though, my focus has drifted from the battering blast beats of Black Metal and more towards the melody of many Viking Metal and Folk Metal artists. A few bands: Vintersorg, Equilibrium, Korpiklanii, Mithotyn, Einherjer, Valkyria, and of course, the quintessential Finntroll. Because I have never been a fan of long, drawn out lists of bands, this is where I will end.
Video Games
I leave video games to the nerds...


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Activity Feed

  • victimofvanity6614SKIN88
    haha made you look at your fubar sweets loveya lots

    16 years ago · Reply
  • victimofvanity6614SKIN88
    Speak Words!! Babyee!

    17 years ago · Reply
  • dirtybitch66614SKIN88
    congress?? where?? since a.n. got shut down haven't heard about much goin on... lemme know when & where-14/88

    17 years ago · Reply
  • 17 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ 14SKIN88
    I find the American civil war to be romantic...and I agree with you, the way we fight wars now is quite unfortunate. I say take away the automatic weapons and give me some hand to hand combat...but that is just me.The thing about art history for me is the type of detective work that has to be done sometimes. I like to know the hows and the whys about a piece of art...the story behind the piece, and what the artist was thinking, if anything, when he or she decided to make it.

    17 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ 14SKIN88
    I minored in art history and loved it so much more than my other history classes...something about it clicked with me I guess. What do you enjoy about World War history?

    17 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ 14SKIN88
    I'm into history...art history specifically. I have my undergraduate degree in history and art history :-)

    17 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ 14SKIN88

    17 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ 14SKIN88
    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

    17 years ago · Reply
  • 17 years ago · Reply
  • suga14SKIN88
    Photobucket - Video and Image HostingWelcome to Cherry Tap!!If you need any help come join me in the tech support lounge by clicking the pic below

    17 years ago · Reply
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