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50 Year Old·Male·From Odessa, TX·Joined on January 31, 2013·Relationship status: Single·Born on December 7th

Metalhead musician living in West Texas.

Music, Shortwave Radio, Old Movies and TV shows, The Internet, etc.
I love most all music though my main musical diet is heavy metal of all styles and variations. I listen weekly to many different types of music. For example just a few days ago while driving on a roadtrip I was listening to music from the 1920s, and later on the way back I was blasting the latest Overkill album.
Video Games
Last serious gaming I did was around 1994 - 1996. Most recently I've purchased the ATARI Flashback 4 which has 75 games from the 70s and 80s in it. All those old-school games from back in the days. That sums up nicely where I'm at with video games.

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