36 Year Old
Joined on May 5, 2007
Born on September 6th
Whats good peoples? Im Taleisha. Im a down ninjette from a place full of EVNY, LUST, HATE and Drama. This place is really called Cincinnati, Ohio. Im 18 years old with a 4 month old baby girl. My Daughter was born in B. North at 5:53pm and her name is Alexis Gabrielle Mclendon. Im Currently not working right now but, I am not looking b/c im tryna get through schol. I go to LSCM but I friggon hate it. Im the type of girl that is not trying to find herself. Im trying to give my self a name. Lets see, I cant trust to many people b/c normally in the end they will just end up fucking yu over. So realli the hell wit chu is what i say. I also forgot the most important thing I have an amazing hubby. He go by the name of Ryan Charles Mclendon. Him and muh baby girl are muh life. Without the two of them i have no clue wher id be at today. Ya know i only gots a hand full of close friends. Which realli doesnt bother me b/c i know i can trust them with muh life. Muh most bestest of all bestest is Ryan. Yeh bitchs get it rigfht he muh boy and he muh bff for life. And realli im tired of all u fucking LAME ass guys that try n holla at me over the internet. And if u cant tell already i have a man so all u haten ass ma fackoos FUCKK THE FUCKK OFF in the words of Shaggy 2 Dope. So if u tryna holla got some wher which ya self b/c ima just tell u to kick rocks. But if u realli wanna here that then u gun write me wit some dumb shhit like oh baby u so sexyy. Hah tell me sumpthin i dont know. Well u basicly know muh whole damn life now so im out.
-peace mcl-
Im not
a PERFECT girl
Muh hair doesnt always stay in place
I spill alot of things and im pretty clumsy
But when i think about
it & take a step back i remember how
amazing life truly is
& that maybe...
i like being
*imperfect* ♥
36 Year Old
Joined on May 5, 2007
Born on September 6th