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36 Year Old · Female · Invited by: TheRumLord aka ... · Joined on May 5, 2007 · Born on December 29th
36 Year Old · Female · Invited by: TheRumLord aka ... · Joined on May 5, 2007 · Born on December 29th

♥ Your Bones Have Been My Bedframe ♥ & Your Flesh Has Been My Pillow I don't need this "A space" "J space" "Put a Little Love in Your Heart"shit I need a challengeI HATE MyspaceIf you don't speak English very well and you add me on a messenger I'm going toverbally belittle you, crush your dreams andeat your manhood, STOP fucking addingme and asking to view my cam you illiterate assholes!Oh and if your from Turkey don't even bother tryingto talk to me, you're all the same and you make me mad♥Heres A StartI'm known on here as the Little LeopardI'm takenI have a Superman tooth brushI never get off on my back, so no missionary for meMe and my Fiance are French XD I love himLikes actors Michael Caine, Bruce Campbell and Sean ConneryMy bags never bigger then my headI'm in denial about them being pursesFinds it funny when bitches think their cute when their not"Hehee I'm obsessed with Hello Kittyand I walk bow legged cause I thinkI'm adorable"Dumb bitch get original and stop "trying"to be cuteI HATE morons and peoplewho type like a moronI randomly rub my nipplesWhen I'm old I want to sit on buses, pretend to be deaf and beat small children with my caneBy the end of the night you'll want me to fuckyou in the ass, I promiseI'm like the big brother you never hadI draw on my face on web cam and call it TimI have an online Best friend and two Real life best friends(yes I know best friends is only shared by two but shut up)I give the best Viking sex XD!I was pretty much disowned by my family because of theseThe 80s make me happyI have many Disney actions figuresI can out talk anyone and can form very intellectual opinionsmy idea of fun is singing to cheesy 80s music or Disney with friendsHard-core moshes in random placesI'm a History and Sci-Fi buffI was the little girl who played ghost busters and ninja turtlesI want a classic movie KissI probably listen to more music then you and your mumI have a sense of humor, some of you need to grow oneand I have a well known tendency to make little noises or soundsContact MeCarnivorouscarebear@Hotmail.comISpunkGraffitiShesBarbarellaAnime I LikeNurse Witch Komugi-chan Magikarte ZBlue seedDragoonSakura WarsHoney and CloverBoys And GirlsBeauty is the beastA love for sweet thingsPeach GirlCeres3x3 EyesDevil Hunter YohkoSins Of The SistersOh My Goddess!MAPSGun Smith CatsThose Who Hunt ElvesBurn-up WQueen EmeraladsGolden BoyThe Venus WarsSaint TailSpell WarsBubblegum CrisisEvangelionMosquitonMagic Knight RayearthA Chinese Ghost StotySailor MoonMagic Users ClubFruits BasketArmitageGhost In The ShellDemond Hunter KochoSlayersPrincess TutuFLCLBastardOruchuban EbichuNadesicoDebutante Detective CorpsDark WarriorDead LeavesTokyo Mew MewAnd Many Morebody{background-color:#000000;background-image:url('http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v351/LilGothDoll/12768.jpg');background-attachment: fixed;background-repeat: repeat;}div.profilePhotoTitle, div.profileInfoTitle, div.profileAboutTitle, div.profileMediaTitle, div.profileCommentTitle, div.profileFriendTitle, div.profileMessageTitle{background-color:#FFFFFF;background-image:url('http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v351/LilGothDoll/12768.jpg');color:#000000;font-size:10pt;}#profilePhoto, #profileFriend, #profileComment,#profileAbout, #profileInfo, #profileMessage, #profileMediaPhoto, #profileMediaAudio,#profileMediaVideo, div.profileRss{background-color:#000000;background-image:url('http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v351/LilGothDoll/12768.jpg');background-position:center;color:#FFFFFF;font-size:7pt;border-style:solid;border-color:#FFFFFF;}

36 Year Old · Female · Invited by: TheRumLord aka ... · Joined on May 5, 2007 · Born on December 29th
Can't you see beyond my skin SIZE, my SHAPE, my ASS, my TITS I am not your PRETTY FACE I'm just a girl EVERYONE Fakes My Boyfriend On Myspace Ryans Real, I KNOW We Are Engaged ♥ My Fiance ♥ 04.16.06 Ry-Kay</a> The walking car crash with the keys to your heart. Fatal crack to the skull cap glazed over with internal bleeding. Anorexic mindset hooked on the addiction, perched on the edge of my faults. A body ready to expire, terminated by an unseen disease. The minutes decay for an unstoppable fate; make it worth while. Ruined entrails but yet my heart still Knocks against my rib cage for you. A ticking time bomb with every moment; always sweeter then the last. Forever I love you like the signature of a death certificate. Humans are not immortal but my love is eternal. A structure built to amaze future generations.Our structure. We don't require flesh and bone to keep from fading away. Six feet below the Crust, it was all worth it. Centuries carved without you emit the ecstasy. The aroma of a lethal injection. A short engaging death living in the moments with you is better then a numb existence. You are my last days, my weakness. You’re everything I expected you to be. I Love You Ryan McKay ♥ Movies I Like Robin Hood Men In Tights Major Pain The Worst Witch Mannequin Spaceballs Army of Darkness Evil Dead 1+2 The 10th Kingdom Teen Witch Tank Girl 10 Things I Hate About You Stars Wars Legend Labyrinth Willow The Dark Crystal The Muppets Christmas Carol Cheech + Chong Up In Smoke Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas Snatch Lock, Stock And Two Smokin Barrels The Cone Heads The Fifth Element Rent Gone With The Wind Moulin Rouge The Sound Of Music Hairspray ALL Disney Movies A Chinese Ghost Story Pans Labyrinth House Of A 1000 Corpses The Rocky Horror Picture Show Grindhouse The Little Shop Of Horrors Finding Nemo Fairy Tale Clockwise Fast Times at Ridgemont High Clerks Jay And Silent Bob Dogma The Nightmare Before Christmas Big Fish Empire Records Trainspotting Ichi The Killer Battle Royale Nightmare On Elm Street HellRaiser Dawn Of The Dead (Original) Day of the Dead Return of the Living Dead Astro-Zombies Bride of Re-Animator Tank Girl And Alot More!

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