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44 Year Old · Male · From Wichita, KS · Joined on May 4, 2007 · Born on May 10th · 2 referrals joined! · 1 person has a crush on me!
44 Year Old · Male · From Wichita, KS · Joined on May 4, 2007 · Born on May 10th · 2 referrals joined! · 1 person has a crush on me!

About me, about me......about me? Well, sex is my thing I guess. Some people have a passion for sports, others art and others still have wierder things, mine is sex. Seriously, tell me ONE thing that feels better, motivates you more or makes less money and yes, sex sells and you all know it. So that's my life in a nutshell, because when you boil it all down, everything you do is just so you can get laid right? You work to make money, you use money to buy things and those things impress others and increase your chances for sex, and if you're married, didn't you put a $1000 ring on his/her finger to get a constant supply of it? Trust me, if I could get paid to pass on my skills, I'd be richer than Bill Gates!

Anyways, as if you care about all that, I currently work for United American Insurance. I know, I know, it SOUNDS like a boring job but think of it like this. You meet all sorts of people with connections, have the chance to earn 6 digit income and get free all expense paid vacations. Still sound boring?

44 Year Old · Male · From Wichita, KS · Joined on May 4, 2007 · Born on May 10th · 2 referrals joined! · 1 person has a crush on me!
What is there to say about me, if you know me then you know about nothing and if you don't me then you're closer to the truth. Not in the Army any more because of knee injuries and did my time in Iraq like all soldiers, now I relax, enjoy the fruit of my labors and scout women for my wife and I to have fun with.

What else is there? Lets see, love my car more than almost anything else. I drive a Mazda RX-8 and nothing in the world still puts a smile on my face just from looking at it. It's still stock but I plan on tweaking it once I start rolling in the dough, course I can't do TO much because the only one I could find in my price range was an automatic. (Damn people and their lazy non-shifting ways!)

Dig going out on the town though I can't dance because of my knees. In to my games too, don't care what system or what style, as long as it doesn't suck then I'll play it. I don't know, lots of interests and so little time. Fuck it, I'll just die when I'm 200 so I can make time for it all!
I like way to many to list'em all but heres a sampling: Girl Next Door, Animal House, Blues Brothers (original), Riddick, Be Cool, Inside Man, Sin City, The Prestige, Vacation, Christmas Story, Macross Plus: The Movie, The New Guy, Joe Versus the Volcano, Blade, Cars, Wedding Crashers, The Breakup, and Dodgeball.
Idols besides myself huh? Well, I idolize Stewie from "The Family Guy" but if I was like that I think I'd be less gay. Second is Han from Tokyo Drift, because that man knew how to impress and had good taste in cars.

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