Love playing with my kids. Hanging out with my best of friends. Writing,poetry,erotica, stories. I love History. Having a good time,joking around alot. Computers,love'ta chat. I have changed my magor to auto mechanics and painting cars. I love so many things and then i like nothing at all ,but thats a Gemini for
As well as movies::Boonedock Saints(my all tyme fave), JARHEAD, Saveing Private Ryan, Domino, The Notebook, The Ring1&2, Final Destination1,2 and havent seen3, Creepshow, Napoleon Dynamite, The Thing(original), Harry Potter(all of'em),
DUME, Alive(rugbe team), al Pixar movies, Johny English,Basketball Diaries, Bad Boys 1&2, Saw 1&2, The Sweetest Thing, Swept Away, Braveheart, Harold&Kumar,The Exorcistm of Emily Rose,Cabin Fever(it wasnt all that great but still liked it),The Amityville Horror(all of'em)