30 Year Old
From Maryville, MO·
Joined on January 21, 2013
Relationship status: Open Relationship
Born on June 18th
1 person has a crush on me!
30 Year Old
From Maryville, MO·
Joined on January 21, 2013
Relationship status: Open Relationship
Born on June 18th
1 person has a crush on me!
I have an AMAZING boyfriend but we're looking for a bisexual lady to spice our relationship up. If you'd like to help just let me know Going to school at Northwest Missouri State University I'm 18 and hate my name I'm shy but open up after you get to know me My eyes change colors on their own I'm the youngest out of 4 I like to be blunt and tell you what I actually think I'm only 5'4"
30 Year Old
From Maryville, MO·
Joined on January 21, 2013
Relationship status: Open Relationship
Born on June 18th
1 person has a crush on me!
Latest Status
LovelyShorty I have a BOYFRIEND but I'm looking for a girl to have fun with