53 Year Old
From Grand Rapids, MI·
Joined on May 2, 2007
Born on November 5th
Hello I am 35 years old! I have 4 kids ages well... my Oldest just turned 19 years old (boy that makes me feel old!!) then I have a daughter that is 16 years old then another son 14 and my baby girl is 12 years old. I don't get out much since my hands are full of teen agers! My house is full of DRAMA almost very day. I have my oldest son back home with his girlfriend. And of course I have a boyfriend and that always adds drama to your life. MEN can't live without them and it is a pain in u know what to live with them! LOL I have lived in GR all my life. I am going to school a few days a week so I can get my CNA and I work 3rd shift.
53 Year Old
From Grand Rapids, MI·
Joined on May 2, 2007
Born on November 5th