You may or may not have been wondering about where I've been or why I haven't been on. I've been right here at home, in hermit mode. If you're wondering what that (hermit mode) means then here is the explanation. Hermit mode means that I haven't been seeing or talking to anyone on the phone, on the computer, in person or in public. I don't even talk to my husband most of the time. No, I'm not mad, upset or depressed, I just haven't and still don't feel like socializing right now.If you are wondering why I'm writing this seemingly out of the blue it's to let you know that I will be deleting my Fubar at the end of this month. Why? I am tired of dealing with the Fubar Bouncer check every other comment. No joke. I don't know if you have this problem when posting comments but I do. The Fubar Bouncer check comes up every other one when I post comments and makes it a drag. When I first started on Fubar (CherryTap) it wasn't so bad, the bouncer check only came up about every third page and I could deal with that, but not like it is now.I will miss the wonderful friends that I've made while here, which is another reason I'm writing this. If you want to keep in touch, send me a shout or comment before I delete my profile and I will send you my im/e-mail that I used to sign up for Fubar. I will let you know upfront that I'm not on much but when I am you can feel free to drop a line a two.I wish you all the best and send much love. Lots of love, Rebels Belle.