41 Year Old
From New Orleans, LA·
Joined on April 29, 2007
Born on December 2nd
1 person has a crush on me!
You're an Passionate KisserFor you, kissing is about all about following your urgesIf someone's hot, you'll go in for the kiss - end of storyYou can keep any relationship hot with your steamy kissesA total spark plug - your kisses are bound to get you in troubleWhat Kind of Kisser Are You?
41 Year Old
From New Orleans, LA·
Joined on April 29, 2007
Born on December 2nd
1 person has a crush on me!
I WANTI want to possess you forever ‘till the endbut I know you can never possess the blowing windI want to hold you and always be your manbut that would be like trying to hold the ever shifting sandI want to keep you always by my sidebut that would be like trying to hold on to the flowing tideI know these thing I want can never beso I will just stand by the open seaenjoy the wind as it blowsfeel the sand between my toesand I’ll be there for the ridejust to see the flowing tideSTANLEY HENDRIX(I'm just sharing my poems) I have more poems in my Blog and I just posted a new one. (Please Fan Me)
Just stopping by to check out your page. Stop by my page if you get a chance and check it out. I have almost 2500 pics to rate. Fan me while you are there. :-) I like having lots of friends. Check out my blogs if you get bored. :-) XOXO
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