42 Year Old
From Longview, WA·
Joined on January 3, 2013
Relationship status: Single
Born on March 29th
42 Year Old
From Longview, WA·
Joined on January 3, 2013
Relationship status: Single
Born on March 29th
Video Games
I love video games, but rarely find much free time to play them. Mostly 8-bit, 16 bit nintendo... (because I love the classics) I do own an Xbox 360 but don't play much (my kids do though). On the Computer I do have a WOW account, but once again don't play much.
I have very diverse tastes in music. If you looked in my mp3 player you'd find a whole lot of 70's-late 90's punk/ pop-punk / ska/ reggae. You'd also find early Jazz/ swing/ and blues. Plenty of classic rock, and 50's/60's rock n roll. The only 2 (popular) styles you really wouldn't find much of is rap (I like early hip hop but not down with "Gangsta rap") and Country (the new "country" is basicly pop anyway, I prefer Johnny Cash, Hank Williams, Chet Atkins etc...) I guess despite my diverse tastes, I am a bit of a music snob. I don't pay attention to what society tells me should be popular, don't really listen to the radio much. Many of my favorite bands are ones you've probably never heard of. I am and have been an active musician for 16 years and have met tons of great musicians along the way from various styles.
ss Rated and Liked ...Want to meet New People who will chat while listening to good Music if that is a yes then click on the link below and you wont regret checking this lounge its alot of fun I just might bling u if no blings pimp you or make u a salute hope to see u there :)
s Rated and Liked ...Want to meet New People who will chat while listening to good Music if that is a yes then click on the link below and you wont regret checking this lounge its alot of fun I just might bling u if no blings pimp you or make u a salute hope to see u there :)
d Rated and Liked ...Want to meet New People who will chat while listening to good Music if that is a yes then click on the link below and you wont regret checking this lounge its alot of fun I will just might bling you pimp you out or make u a salute hope to see you there you wont regret it and people on cam's :)