49 Year Old
From Junction City, KS·
Joined on January 3, 2013
Relationship status: Single
Born on November 30th
.efil gnivil evol dna efil evol I yllacisaB ot gniog,gnihgual,gnilevart,sroodtuo eht yojne I .elpoep ytilauq htiw gnizilaicos,stneve tnerffid elpoep rehto htiw efil gnirahs dna gnivil retteb tsuj stI
.sasnaK si esab emoh ym,elgnis,dlo sraey 63 m'I .yrev dna boj ym rof tola levart I drah krow I. od I tahw ta doog .redrah neve yalp dna
.tif gniyats dna yhtlaeh,evitca gnieb yojne I .llew sa em ot tnatropmi era sdneirf dna ylimaF
"iH" yas erom wonk ot ekil d'uoy fI ot uoy rof flesym tuoba tola laever t'ndid I ni egagne,klat tahc ew rehtaR. No daer daetsni rehto hcae wonk ot teg ot noitasrevnoc .....no dna no gnidaer fo
Inspired by Leonardo
........................DO YOU WANT TO PLAY A GAME.............. LIKE ME.....RATE ME....FAN ME....FRIEND ME......OWN ME.......
49 Year Old
From Junction City, KS·
Joined on January 3, 2013
Relationship status: Single
Born on November 30th
Latest Status
TdoG To whom that has hacked my phone, please quit, you are running down my battery for nothing gained!!
Yigaquu osaniyu adanvto adadoligi nigohilvi nasquv utloyasdi nihi.. (May the Great Spirit's Blessings Always Be With You) hugs..good morning hvniiOtsalanvlvi
May your home be filled with laughter and the warm embrace of a summer day.. May you find peacefulness and beauty, challenge and satisfaction, humor and insight, healing and renewal, love and wisdom, as in a quiet heart.. May you always feel that what you have is enoughhugs..please have a glorious evening
I am you sister, I am your brother..I am your child, I am your Mother(h) I am your neighbor, I am a stranger..I am your friend, I am your lover:)So many we meet in our journey through life, each touching in part the very essence of our being(h) Some are given, some we may find..but all are so very special in our hearts & our mind:) Please my friend as we journey our path today take note of all that we see..in passing look into the heart & ponder what link in my path is this one to me(h)
within each heart lies the wisdom of a small child forever waiting to be heard.. today my friend I beseech you hold still your pace, listen for the whispering child.. (h)know the voice of your heart(h)