Joined on January 2, 2013
Born on November 30th
Joined on January 2, 2013
Born on November 30th
Latest Status
certified ~first time on here sumbody show me sum love nd im lookin for sumbody that would like to cuddle rite now nt ugly got to be cute nth more nth less
Rated and Liked ...Want to meet New People who will chat while listening to good Music if that is a yes then click on the link below and you wont regret checking this lounge its alot of fun I will just might bling you pimp you out or make u a salute hope to see you there you wont regret it and people on cam's :)
Rated and Liked ...Want to meet New People who will chat while listening to good Music if that is a yes then click on the link below and you wont regret checking this lounge its alot of fun I will just might bling you pimp you out or make u a salute hope to see you there you wont regret it and people on cam's :)