46 Year Old
From Hazard, KY·
Joined on December 30, 2012
Relationship status: In a relationship
Born on December 15th
I love my life and all the people I have in my life I have a wonderful boyfriend who loves me so much but as he say's I am a people person to nice for my own good I'm 100% Country Girl love to hunt and fish and drag race if u need or want to know anymore just ask.....
46 Year Old
From Hazard, KY·
Joined on December 30, 2012
Relationship status: In a relationship
Born on December 15th
Hunting,fishing,racing and just hanging out with friends or what ever else is on the agenda...
liked rated fanned n friended have a very warm welcome around these parts everyone calls me Sven but only a few have called me Alex! have a nice stay and if you need anything at all please feel free to drop me a line