Yeah, but you have lady bumps, so you look better while you're doing it. We're all furry and unappealing.And hey, if it's proving hard work for you, I'm sure there'd be plenty of willing assistants to help with stuff like the administering of suncream!*Volunteers!*
OK then, yes I am (lies). LolI was a front man in two bands for about 10 years in all... from the age of about 15 - 25. Great days. Played some wicked gigs, with some awesome bands, at great venues. Love it. Miss it quite a bit, but I'd only join another one if it was dead right, you know?Oooh... so you have white bits? Always fun to find them... :oP (I'm really innocent really! Ahem)I have REALLY brown arms and face from watching the cricket yesterday, but my body is totally white, cos I was wearing a sleeveles top! lol
Heavier than screamo! LolI'll show you some of my old band's stuff sometime! ;o)I keep some length in my hair always, just don't have it REALLY long anymore, cos I had it like that for 10 years and got bored.Tanning eh? So do you have white bits now? Or do you have a private garden? lol:oP
Haha, well, I used to be a screamer in a death metal band, so I think I can handle some emo bands! :oPI don't go in for all this genre bashing though. I like some emo, some dance, some electro, all kindsa stuff. But I'll always be a metal head really!So how was your day? I had my haircut, which was pretty awesome, though I'm sure you could've done better! :oP
OK, that sounds pretty cool. Maybe I'll come along with you if it's in London!And as for not missing much, it seems that as a single chap I'm missign quite a lot, if you and your sis are anything to go by!I'm guessing you're both thoroughly attached eh? ;oP
Ahhh - I thought you two looked alike. Those are some damn fine genes you girls have there. Concert eh? Will you be coming to London for that? :o)And who will you be seeing if you don't mind me asking?I've a couple gigs coming up in the next month or so. Then off to a big festival in Germany in August!I've never been to Ireland! :'o(
Well, I'm from allover the shop. But I live in East London right now. It's fun here, very pretty, by the docks.I just went pubbing with a good mate last night, so it was always gonna be a good one. Do you ever come over to England, or have you ever?What do you do for a living?x
Ah nice! My weekend has been totally awesome. Went out drinking yesterday - got VERY messy, lol, then went to watch Cricket today. Now awaiting a take away! Woooo!How about yours?