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47 Year Old · Male · From Windsor, CA · Joined on April 28, 2007 · Born on January 12th
47 Year Old · Male · From Windsor, CA · Joined on April 28, 2007 · Born on January 12th

so, about me... what can i say. i'm a trucker by trade, although i have had to give it up so that i can raise my son. i miss the road, but wouldn't trade a single day of raising my little boy for years on the road. i've seen all of the states and 14 other countries. i always feel that these 'about me' things make a person brag about qualities that they think they have, and have been guilty of putting things in these sections that may or may not really apply to me. so... wanna know about me? ask... i shall answer any question honestly.
Who I'd like to meet:
Everybody... hehe okay. Just kidding. I think that like all single guys I want to meet the 'one'. Not just any one... but the one that brings back that feeling. The one that ya got in highschool when she said yes to going to the prom, or when she met you for that first kiss. The one that completes you down to your toes and understands who you are from the start. Who's very presense lightens your mood... and who's radiance is a guiding light for all that you do. I have faith that this mystical myth of our parents is out there... maybe here, I'll find her.

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47 Year Old · Male · From Windsor, CA · Joined on April 28, 2007 · Born on January 12th
i have a shit load of intrests. from golfing to video games. i like to do anything really, and if it's fun and there's people around.. i'm happy :D though i think that making people laugh is one of my top favorite things to do. :P

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