36 Year Old
From Granbury, TX·
Joined on December 26, 2012
Relationship status: It's Complicated
Born on February 23rd
well im 23 and have 2 lil girls that mean the world to me i am currently married but in a middle of a divorce i say whats on my mind you can take that as being a bitch or not im really easy to get along with and my marrage did not work because we got tried of trying to make it work we both are happier not being together so whats what it is is you can handle that then message me
36 Year Old
From Granbury, TX·
Joined on December 26, 2012
Relationship status: It's Complicated
Born on February 23rd
well this what it is a guy good with kids or has kids of there own some one that will not cheat and can handle some one telling them what is on there mind and dont care if its mean or not im in a middle of a divcore and dont want a guy to just tell me what you think i want to hear i want to turth and not to sugar coat any thing cuz i dont want to hear bull shit
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