57 Year Old
Troy, MO
Joined on April 26, 2007
Born on September 25th
Let see, where do I start? I am like, straight guy with the brown eye, all 3 of them. How come you never call me by my name? just curious, cause i kinda like that and bitch is gettin old. I get way into jamin the mad notes, cause im a smooth mutha fucka and a figment of my own imagination, so you cant touch me. Im not bullet proof, but I am invisible. Ya cant hit what you cant see. What is foul language, talkin about chickens? I have no forkin idea, yea I said forkin and I dont mean eating with an attitude, just being nice. I didnt drink from your pool, so dont piss on my page, RESPECT it Biotch. I am not gay, the only thing goin up my ass, is my finger, when it breaks thru the TP, so RECOGNIZE dork. Yes I said dork, do you even know what a dork is? A dork is a Whales penis, put that on your top 10 list of things to remember.
Seriously, Im into making new friends and experiences, especially the ones I can remember, or have proof of, I wont deny any of it, just hate missin out, even if I was there DOH!
I enjoy people that are cool and dont suck. I am open and honest and prefer to make friends of the same. I enjoy music, mostly Rock, but will listen to most anything. Not your typical hippie here. Sure save the Whales and all that, why kill a whale, dont be a dick.
I am a male striper by trade, for 8 years now, love the job. I am a huge kid, and love to play video games, and jam, sleep and party, DUH. I love ridin in my jeep, 4wheelin, atv's, Flying, Floating, anything outdoors and anything I forgot. I always remember to forget stuff. I am a stranger to nobody, If you wanna know anything, ask me, DUH!
57 Year Old
Troy, MO
Joined on April 26, 2007
Born on September 25th
Breakin Benjamin, Mudvayne, Alice n Chains for starters. Anything with great melody, harmonies and heavy rythms that dig into ya.