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Male · From Long Beach, CA · Joined on April 26, 2007 · Born on January 1st · 2 referrals joined! · 1 person has a crush on me!
Male · From Long Beach, CA · Joined on April 26, 2007 · Born on January 1st · 2 referrals joined! · 1 person has a crush on me!
Male · From Long Beach, CA · Joined on April 26, 2007 · Born on January 1st · 2 referrals joined! · 1 person has a crush on me!
Music Video Codes by VideoCure
Greetings to you and welcome to my page.
Now let me tell you a little about my self.
I am a man of great wisdom.
I love to write poetry and do open mic nites.
I guess I am also overly romantic.
If you feel that you can handle a man who is all of some of this then feel free to hit me up and also please feel free to sign my guest book.

MySpace Led Scroller

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I'm crying and the world dont hear it... I'm standing up waiving my hands and the world dont see it...I've been yelling for long now my voise is gone just a ghost out of a ghost town feeling as if I dont belong...Drowning from my own tears that I sheded throughout so many years...now poverty stricken because no one hears... THE WORDS OF A GHOST... Now what am I suppose to do, when I am living in a world that seems all about you...Kick... dust... from my feet...hoping that one day I will have a seat on such mighty throne...but yet are these really the words of a ghost that I am speaking? And am I really all alone?Knock..knock...knock... is there anyone home...I've been driven from a family and now my kids are gone...Running a muck...like flock of wild geece...poison with the knowledge of something they couldn't see...Do you...remember me? ... hold up why can't they hear... and again I cry out loud...DO YOU REMEMBER ME!Loudly but softly spoken...THE WORDS OF A GHOST that they can't even see that's standing so near...But now choking... from the same tears that started way back from a many of years... I'm scared, but steady hoping...Is there anyone out there who able to see me is there anyone out there who able to hear me? can you speak out please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!wait! ...What is it?Is that a light that i see...at the end waiting for me? I see five boys and one girl... thats my children calling me back into their worldTHE WORDS OF A GHOST ...are finally heard...good bye cruel world.

By: Jeffrey Scott Laurant 06/23/2006


I sometimes wondered if I would ever hear from you again. I'd run my finger through your page and day dream that we are more than just friends. Then as I stare at your pics I watch you as you stare back at me. The photos start to come to life and then we dance a dance only for lovers as our bodies begins to touch I then wake up and find out that %#&@$! I was smokin was some good %#&@$!.




Written By: Jeffrey Scott Laurant on October 15th, 2006
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I guess you can say that, I would love to meet a lady who beleives in equality between two individuals.
There's something about a lady who also is not scared to express her inner mind and feelings.
If it is romance she loves then let's take a shower in romance together.
If she needs to talk then I am hear to listen, If she is in search of partnership then lets become parts of one wholeMySpace Layouts

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