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Male · From Bothell, WA · Joined on December 13, 2012 · Relationship status: Single · Born on November 30th

Male · From Bothell, WA · Joined on December 13, 2012 · Relationship status: Single · Born on November 30th
Rock mostly... Favorite bands are Rush and Styx but I like rock music from the 60's to current.

I am learning that there is a lot of really good country out there also since it took on more of the pop / rock blend so I am checking that out more often too.
I am very open when it comes to movies. I am not one of those people that is highly critical of movies...I just want to be entertained for a couple hours and have some fun.

Action movies will always be my first choice or drama or any movie that is intense. However I will watch so called Chick Flicks no problem or scary movies or horror movies...again it really does not matter as long as it is entertaining and takes me away from normal life for a couple hours.
My dad....

and a far second behind that are....

John Wayne

I have a lot of people and things that I like and love but to idolize someone or something is a whole new level which is why the short list....
Video Games
If only I were coordinated enough to play the games today....one can dream though right!!

I am actually playing games on my phone now and fortunately they do not take any coordination lol

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  • JulsAll Smiles Sparky
    Showing some Luv!

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  • My Name Is FE2 ...All Smiles Sparky

    Happy Wed-hump day!! It is a glorious day in the neighborhood!! With Valentines day quickly approaching I have been thinking about the human heart and what an amazing thing it is. The main job of the heart is of course to keep us alive... to get that life sustaining oxygen rich blood to all parts of our body. Then there is the heart as a symbol of love. Can a heart be broken? Can it feel at all? After all emotions are a chemical reaction right? When my"heart is broken" my chest hurts...which has been happening the last couple of days? When I feel love, I can feel that in my chest too... I can breath easier like a weight is lifted off my chest. So maybe the heart really is a part of our emotions.. especially in the area of love. I am hoping that you all have happy hearts this Valentines day...and every other day! PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketTagFox

    10 years ago · Reply
  • My Name Is FE2 ...All Smiles Sparky

    It's Monday... YAY!! Let me preface what I am going to talk about with the fact that I am not a world traveler or even a student of world culture...this comes from things I have heard and read over the years. In regards to media like TV and movies, the US is different from most other countries in the world where things are not controlled by the gov't. In the US, sexual content is monitored carefully and ofter limited in what can be shown, yet we show by far the greatest amount of violence of all kinds in the world. This is in contrast to most ther countries where sex is out in the open but violence is limited and monitored carefully. In your opinion... how should it be... and please comment back to me. 1) both controlled, 2) sex ok but limit violence, 3) violence ok but limit sex, or 4) don't limit either. I will tally your input so please take the time to comment back. I will tally the results and post later this week. Have a wonderful day and remember to smile and say good morning/afternoon/evening to as many people as possible!! PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket Photobucket

    10 years ago · Reply
  • My Name Is FE2 ...All Smiles Sparky

    Well look at me... for the first time this week I am on time with my post lol!! Happy Hump Day... the teeter totter is about to flip to the down side of the hill so show off that smile and be happy!! I was reminiscing about a social experiment I did while at the UW.... I went to Northgate Mall and stood outside a major entrance and said either welcome or good bye to as many people as possible and tried to shake hands as much as possible. It is wild how cynical people are of happy people!! Kind of like smiling at people... other people think you are looney tunes... how can anyone be that happy!! So be happy and smile... either people will love you for it or they will stay further away!!!TagFoxTagFoxPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket

    10 years ago · Reply
  • My Name Is FE2 ...All Smiles Sparky

    Welcome to Tuesday morning and congratulations on surviving Monday!! We are almost a third of the way through the official winter solstice and it is colder than a witches tit in a brass bra.... A local radio station here in Seattle tested that... they had a brass bra made and put in on a witch and took the temperature lol... sorry but the answer stays with me lol... Have a great day and stay positive on your climb to Friday... 13 days to the Super Bowl!!PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket

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    The Broke Basta...All Smiles Sparky
    Gotcha!!! Have a Good New Year

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  • Dee75All Smiles Sparky


    Rated and liked!!! Want to meet New friends that will chat with you listen to good music 24/7 live Dj's come join House of Rock you will enjoy yourself .. Just mention I invited you!! Hope to see you there. Just click on the banner below

    10 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ All Smiles Sparky

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  • FUZZY SOCKS DANCERAll Smiles Sparky
    Dance!! Fuzzy Socks Preferred, but not Required! &Hugs

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  • Someone ⇒ All Smiles Sparky

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