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35 Year Old · Female · From Marshall, MO · Joined on December 6, 2012 · Born on January 21st · I have a crush on someone!
35 Year Old · Female · From Marshall, MO · Joined on December 6, 2012 · Born on January 21st · I have a crush on someone!

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35 Year Old · Female · From Marshall, MO · Joined on December 6, 2012 · Born on January 21st · I have a crush on someone!
I`m 22 years old, i have 3 kids 2 girls and a boy. they are 6, 4, and 1year. I`m currenly still married but going 2 get a divorce, he is in oprison he got 5 years 4 stealn and hittn on me. I`m living with A friend and my man John Doe, and looking 4 a job. i have red hair hazel eyes im 5 7. and both of my parents r dead n gone. I also have a facebook page and a tagged page so hit me up. I also have a facebook page and a tagged page so hit me up. reading, swimming, hanging wit friends n family, and being outdoors, surfin the net, mushroom huntn, boating, fast cars, shopping, taking photos, listing ta tunes, amusement park rollor costers, riding horses, fishn, mudding, monster trucks, spending time with my man John Doe, etc
a lil of everything, heavy metal, country, pop, rap, oldies. etc SOME OF MY FAVE SONGS: Dope Game By Young Buck, John Doe By Rick Ross, In My White Tee By Franchize Boys, Black And Yellow, Country Bou By Aron Lewis, Fishing In The Dark, One More Night By Maroon 5, Last Friday Night, Part Of Me By Katy Perry, Puddle of mudd phsyco, etc
MOVIES/TV SHOWS honey i srank the kids, dukes of hazzard, the chaperone, peral harbor, titantic, lord of the rings, harry potter, high life, the desenct, edit TV:tht 70s show, family guy, south park, american dad, king of the hill, cold case, without a trace, mentalist, numbers, csi, ncis, medium, wwe- raw, smackdwn, prison break, arrow, supernatural, charmed, angel, etc BOOKS: harry potter, romance, horror, inspirational romantic suspence, sci-fi. etc SPORTS i like: vollyball, football, soccer, 4 wheelers, floor hockey, wwe smackdwn, raw, snowboarding, skatebording, rollerblading, tennis, track, badmittin, dogeball, etc
I think my idol would have 2 be my g-ma cuz she was my care taker. and it never mattered how bad of a kid i was she was always there trying 2 help, she never gave up, even if she didnt belive n my choices, she always did her best 2 surport me n whatever i tried. IN MEMORY OF MYRTLE LEE WEBBER. I LOVE U G-MA.
Video Games
I like 2 play halo, need 4 speed, grans thef auto, diablo 2, mortal combat, concurer, and basicly any other racing game, or bloody kill em game, frontierville, duke nukem 3d, monoploy, scrable, rummy, spades, ring of fire, quarters, beer pong, grand trumiso, etc.

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