43 Year Old
Joined on April 22, 2007
Born on June 24th
43 Year Old
Joined on April 22, 2007
Born on June 24th
Im just trying this site out, there is alot of information on here Im living in Calgary Alberta Canada I will upload some photos now and through the summer so add me to your hott list ladies you won't be disappointed!
Hi welcome to CherryTAP I hope you enjoy the site. It will take you a few days to get adjusted to it and figure things out but I assure you once you do you will really enjoy yourself and meet tons of new friends.If you need help with anything the CherryTAP Support Lounge will be a wealth of information for you to get your questions answered by someone live.To rate someones profile, just go to their profile and you will see a rating box with numbered cherries inside it click on 10 or whatever number you decide to rate someone. Members usually return the favor and stop by to rate you. If you can't leave a rating yet because you don't have enough points, then leave comments for people which builds up your points and then you will be able to leave a rating :)If you stop by my page leave a rating or comment and try it out. Don't forget to add me as a friend.Laura
If you need any help getting started, please check out the Cherry Tap BibleCherry Tap BibleWe also have a short demo tour for you to see how features of CherryTap are created. Cherry Tap DemoCherryTap.com uses NSFW standards for ALL public display areas. Please do not place NSFW items in Comments, Stash, Public profile, MUMMS, Blogs, or use extreme profanity.NSFW stands for “Not Safe for Work” viewing.Bouncers are in Orange Colored name tags to assist you.Still confused and need some help? Come to the CT Support Lounge:Cherry Tap Support Lounge