Hi darling!!!Welcome to Cherry Tap I hope you will love it as much as I do :)If you need any help please feel free to ask me ....I know it can get pretty confusing :)Add me as a friend and I will do the same...And if you could fan me when you level it would make my day :)**hugs and kisses**Welcome to the Cherry Tap family :)Love, Marissa
If you need any help getting started, please check out the Cherry Tap BibleCherry Tap BibleWe also have a short demo tour for you to see how features of CherryTap are created. Cherry Tap DemoCherryTap.com uses NSFW standards for ALL public display areas. Please do not place NSFW items in Comments, Stash, Public profile, MUMMS, Blogs, or use extreme profanity.NSFW stands for “Not Safe for Work” viewing.Bouncers are in Orange Colored name tags to assist you.Still confused and need some help? Come to the CT Support Lounge:Cherry Tap Support Lounge
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