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61 Year Old · Male · From Houston, TX · Joined on November 10, 2012 · Born on September 14th
61 Year Old · Male · From Houston, TX · Joined on November 10, 2012 · Born on September 14th

I have been described by friends and colleagues as a creative, innovative, sophisticated, compassionate, loving, handsome, health conscious, physically active, spiritually aware, and ambitious professional entrepreneurial leader; a visionary and high achiever dedicated to improving the human condition through uncompromising integrity, a profound sense of equal justice, desire to go the extra mile, and the dedication to contribute and help others. I am always inspired by those who overcome insurmountable obstacles and rise like the Phoenix out of the ashes to great heights of achievement. I am passionate about experiencing the best that life has to offer by continually pursuing lifelong accelerated learning and personal development while sharing positive growth. I have a tremendous appreciation for quality where ever it can be found. I am seeking my lifelong partner and eternal soulmate to live an enlightened dynamic life of creativity, joy and bliss. Please feel free to share your thoughts, feelings and desires for what you expect in a long term romantic relationship.

I believe as food is needed for the body, the same way love is needed for the soul. Food strengthens the body while love strengthens the soul. A person is incomplete without love....Love is not about finding the right person, but creating a right relationship. It's not about how much love you have in the beginning but how much love you build till the end...Love is a noble act of self-giving, offering trust, faith, and loyalty. The more you love, the more you lose a part of yourself, yet you don't become less of who you are; you end up being complete with your loved ones. Ideally, I am looking for that “special someone,†whom I can fall deeply and totally in love with and absolutely adore and cherish, for the rest of my life. I would look forward to having deep, meaningful conversations on an intellectual (also a spiritual and emotional) level with her, along with giving her long, luxurious back/body rubs, sensuous foot massages, enjoying various outdoor (and indoor!) activities together, sharing LOTS of private, sensual moments with each other, always appreciating and caring for one another, celebrating our passionate love on a regular basis and just living our lives together, to the fullest extent possible, one day at a time!

I am seeking the right lady to join with me and create our uniquely blissful lifelong synergy together. I am not hopelessly searching for a perfect match, just a lady who shares a definite life purpose and who is passionate about making a significant positive contribution to transforming the human race and the world better than when we found it. If we continuously make progress on a worthy ideal the details will come together and provide us the mutual fulfillment we seek together.

I am seeking an extraordinary emotionally and intellectually mature lady who takes joy in her high achievements and is as comfortable and confident in jeans as she is at a White House Formal. She enjoys the humorous light side of life and seeks quality where ever it can be found. I am seeking a compassionate, loving, and health conscious lady where synergistically we attain an optimum life balance much greater together. She also seeks spiritual awareness by pursuing a life purpose of making a significant positive difference in uplifting the human experience. She is consciously determined to continually develop herself to fulfill her maximum potential and ultimate life purpose, and desires to share her personal growth intimately. Our relationship success will be characterized by what we become synergistically together as a result of our intimate personal dynamics effectively adapting to an accelerated changing future.

61 Year Old · Male · From Houston, TX · Joined on November 10, 2012 · Born on September 14th
I have always been most passionate about overcoming insurmountable obstacles to accelerating personal growth and fully realizing my greatest potential for its highest and best use to make a significant positive contribution for making a difference. I am most proud not of any accomplishment or achievement, yet of who and what I have been able to continually grow into as a consequence of developing my full potential, discovering my life purpose to help others and fulfilling my ultimate destiny. I am constantly growing into the self realization of being innovative, compassionate, health conscious, physically active, spiritually aware, and an ambitious professional entrepreneurial leader, who is a visionary and high achiever dedicated to improving the human condition through uncompromising integrity, a profound sense of equal justice, desire to go the extra mile, with the dedication to contribute and help others. I am always inspired by those who overcome insurmountable obstacles and rise like the Phoenix out of the ashes to great heights of achievement. I am passionate about experiencing the best that life has to offer by continually pursuing lifelong accelerated learning and personal development while sharing positive growth. The three best traits I have to offer a partner are:
1) Absolute integrity with congruency between word and deed,
2) Open and honest drama free communication seeking to understand before being understood, 3) Absolute tenacity for high achievement, loyalty, and devotion to
creating a better world through helping others develop themselves. By synergistically working and leveraging together our vision for a much improved future world and quality of life for all, we will accomplish a thousand times more than we ever thought imaginable separately. "Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan, "Press on," has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race."
—Calvin Coolidge

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