Joined on November 10, 2012
Born on November 30th
I am a Mystical person and into the world of the Trans personal dimensions and into movies as such Easy to talk to and enjoy good times with those I connect with. I Study the magickal worlds. and Study and read and practice for over 30 years.
Joined on November 10, 2012
Born on November 30th
I am a computer Tech and expert as well in many Computer fields Play Guitar and sing. I am a city boy Oringianly from Chicago so i love all those city things those like that are from the city. Love to Read listen to audio and talk to people. more to come soon....
All kinds !
Startrek all those are great Scifi movies all kinds syfy channel series charmed secret circle Being human,lost Girls Hercules Zena
Video Games
Secret world World of Warcraft Rift Startrek Starcraft and many many more