here is the original...Clay. says he works for VA board of tourism. lives in Williamsburg. Single father of 2 kids girl & boy with full custody. same story says diff ages. says he is from the Harrisburg PA area...Just disappears off the face of the earth at least3 times since last summer....LOSER! Liar ...catfish all...Tall Blond Guy @ fubarHere is the latest profile. Found someones pics im guessing. Will never post a salute on any of these ...but when you talk to him or im cuz he will not use the phone...(any of the 3) you can tell it is the same exact guy writing it...I should post the pics he sent me as Clay! hmmm good idea...RunninRob @ fubarAnother one!! I wonder how many will show up ?? NewLeaseOnLife @ fubarOH MYYY ANOTHER ONE!! he posted pics from this one as Robert from Suffolk!Tommy Mac @ fubar