35 Year Old
Joined on October 20, 2012
Relationship status: Single
Born on October 12th
35 Year Old
Joined on October 20, 2012
Relationship status: Single
Born on October 12th
I drink, toke, game, and chill.
Music and Meditation = Life.
Always looking for someone to drink with.
35 Year Old
Joined on October 20, 2012
Relationship status: Single
Born on October 12th
Dreams, man. Dreams.
Oh man, the list goes on. Music is everything. I'll just use two bands per ganre.
- Trip-hop : Portishead, Gorillaz
- Metal : Skinless, Beaten Back to Pure
- Classical : Dvorak, Beethoven
- Jazz/Blues : Modern Jazz Quartet, Canned Heat
An over simplification of my wide music appreciation.
Video Games
Fallout: New Vegas, Alice: Madness Returns, Earthbound, Super Mario RPG,
Batman: Arkham City, Child of Eden, Animal Crossing, Mirror's Edge,
And a lot more of course.