39 Year Old
Joined on April 18, 2007
Born on February 25th
Update:) I made my goal and now have my boobies...it took me a little more than 7 months:)I hope all you guy's and girls go to the website and help or get your boobs:)XOXOXO
Hello!!!! To everyone who doesn't know me i am jennifer:) i have two little boys and a wonderful soon to be husband! They are my everything:) I am very out going and love just about everything very open minded (too many people arn't in this world) wana know anything else just hit me up:) xoxo also i am on MFI support needed guys out there:) and gals:) GUYS IF YOU JOIN ADD ME MAIL ME AND I WILL SEND YOU A SAUSY PIC:) PLEASE HELP A GIRL WITH A DREAM:)http://MyFreeImplants.com/signup.asp?MOID=13412&T=Gents
39 Year Old
Joined on April 18, 2007
Born on February 25th
Thanks for the rate jenn. :)Hope your having one kick ass Monday. Have a safe week.And if you get a chance, dont some luv off to Cubby soon.Back to the game... We've been playing all night.I lost my diaper last hand.Kisses and gropes.
The weekend is almost over, but I hope you had a great time. Just wanted to stop by and show your some love. =) I will stop by again a little later. Have a lovely day and don’t forget to smile.
Hope you are having a terrific week. Just wanted to stop by to show you and your page some love. =) Now that I am back, I will have more opportunities to stop by and leave comments more often. Have an awesome day and keep smiling!
Hi, there! I finally got some time to get online and actually leave comments. LOL. I hope you are having a really wonderful day. I just wanted to stop by to say hi, put a smile on your face and show your page and you some love. =)