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Male · From West Covina, CA · Joined on April 17, 2007 · Born on January 1st · I have a crush on someone!
Male · From West Covina, CA · Joined on April 17, 2007 · Born on January 1st · I have a crush on someone!

I am not racist, homophobic or hatefull other than semi prejudiced and disliking organized religion, police mentality, warmonging, republicans and rednecks, spiritualism i am not a fan of either (mediums,ghost hunters etc). I have my own views, ill never go to church and I prefer dislike and tolerate as I am not into people with a hitliterian view.
I am pro eff, and now dedicating myself to computer programming and various persuits including bodybuilding. I dont use drugs except party drink and thats occasionaly.
I dont have a car but expect to be treated nicely if i date you with a taxi or limo if your exceedingly hot and i can afford it at the time, its only because Id rather not drive
as the driving in la is fucking crazy.

I have just moved to west covina california and I will be bussing it around la so if your a hot chick from the area please hollar back especialy if you like going clubbing, wich i do lot and do very well at, especially the dancefloor makeout pickup LOL.

Male · From West Covina, CA · Joined on April 17, 2007 · Born on January 1st · I have a crush on someone!
Asians (love asian females), learning languages (chinese,japanese, already speak spanish a little), astronomy, space science,computer programming, video games, bodybuilding, cooking, drawing, art, computer related art, 3d, game design.

I also love dvd watching and collecting as theatres can be annoying. I love anime, kung fu, japanese horror, science fiction, action, , horror, comic book, comedy, fantasy movies, esp older movies from the 70s-90s. Interested in comic books as i have not read alot but have a two box collection i collected along time ago.Also love japanese horror/anime and kung fu/action movies.

Tv i have watched everything from buffy the vampire slayer to battlestar galactica, highlander the series, anything on the sci fi channel (except ghost hunting shows lol), love star trek and the clone wars. I am a new fan of lost, true blood and watch heroes regularly and The Sarah Connor Chronicles.

Rob Zombie, Metal, Rock, Classic Rock, Blues, Rockibilly, John Lee Hooker, Johnny Cash, AC/CD, Metallica (black and before), Danzig, Annie lennox, led zepplin, Peter Gabriel, Bjork, ZZ Top, John Lennon, George Thourogood and the Destroyers, Chuck Berry, Micheal Jackson, static-x, megadeth.

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Star Trek I,II, III, IV First Contact and 2009
Star Wars original Trilogy and Episode 2 and 3 (hated 1).
Sin City
Planet Terror
Kill Bill Vol 1 and 2
The Lawnmowerman
Hellraiser I and II
Lord Of Illusions
The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Enter The Dragon
Return Of The Dragon
Fists Of Fury
Jet Li movies
Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
Chow Yun Fat movies
Back To the Future Trilogy
The Matrix Trilogy
The shinning
The Dead Zone
Stephen Kings IT
The Stand
Bram Stokers Dracula
Young Frankenstien
Jaws 1
Indiana Jones series
James Bond Series
Aliens series
Aliens Vs Predator series
Predator 1
Starship Troopers
Total Recall
True Lies
Beverly Hills Cop 1 and 2
Lethal Weapon 1 and 2
Die Hard 1,2 and 4.0
Harry Potter Trilogy
Immortal Beloved
Cocoon 1 and 2
Hammer Horror Movies
50s horror and scifi
Japanese Horror
The Audition
Ichi The Killer
Ghost In The Shell
The Abbys
Highlander 1 and 2
Bruce Lee
Jimi Hendrix
Rod Serling
Gene Roddenberry
Nicholas Tesla
Muhatma Ghandi
Albert Einstien
Leonardo Da Vinci
Thomas Edison
George Orwell
H.G. Wells
Mary Shelly
Video Games
Xbox 360, Arcade Classics of the 80s, Anti microsoft yet i like xbox 360 and xbox, halo 1 and 3, splinter cell, favorite is criminson skies for xbox 360, gears of war series, half life series, call of duty series, Escape from butcher bay, bioshock. Video game fanatic, played every system except ps3.

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  • nightgamer360 i am currently trying to see 3 or 4 females so if your bisexual friendly and not seeking monogomy hollar.
    15 years ago · Comment

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