:-):-)Here is the link to the new bomber family page I started. If you want to be a part of it, check the page out, read the blog and send a freind request to the page and put a little note in the friend request letting me know you are wanting to join the family and that it is not just a random friend request.FU-Bombers @ fubar
hey, where ya been? got your text the other day...i was driving so didn't respond. but um, i don't know if we are leaving friday night or not...hmmm, so we might miss you at the cliffs
I would say 6:30...? that way i have enough time to get home from work and what not, and so does everyone else. hey, will you call em and chris and let them know? i dont have their contact info. thanks! see you soon!
Um, so ya...you got totally wasted, you even ate the popcorn that 150 people touched! hehe. oh, and I totally kicked your butt, well, your shins. Bummer, no bruises. I'll have to kick harder next time! Although you did hurt my knuckle...it was a good block. I went for your stomach and hit your tequila box instead. That's some sturdy tequila!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to youHappy Birthday to you!Happy Birthday to my dear friend Acer!Happy Birthday to you!(See, I told you I was good enough for American Idol!)
yay! can't wait either. I can't believe its Friday tomorrow already, crazy. how is the bocce place in lvrmr compared to the other one? starts at 7 right? see you soon acer!
i guess the team thing didn't work out as planned...oh well. Me and Mike were the only ones really interested anyway, haha. Besides the girls. Thanks for coming by the way! See you again for your bday soon!
hello?? why don't you talk to me?!!Can't figure this thing out or what?see you at jimmy's bday dinner! cake at his sister's house after dinner...i made chocolate fudge cake--his favorite--and I refuse to take any home, so you must help us eat it!See you soon...
@ fubar