49 Year Old
From Ringgold, GA·
Invited by: 807793·
Joined on April 17, 2007
Born on January 21st
·2 referrals joined!
Aight a little about me.
Im a 31 year old female as anyone can tell originally from New Jersey. Was borned and raised there all my life, recently moved to the great southern state of Georgia where I am a full time at home mom of 2 beautiful children and a dirtracer's wife. I spend most of my time with my children and my husband and at the racetrack. Im well known in Yahoo's Auto Racing: 4 room. If there is any racers that happen to see this, we race every friday night at the new boydspeedway in catoosa county georgia. Hope to see some new faces at the track
49 Year Old
From Ringgold, GA·
Invited by: 807793·
Joined on April 17, 2007
Born on January 21st
·2 referrals joined!
Well my only interest as of right now is to bring my children up to respect and love all types of racing. And pretty much puttin our heart and soul in a long life dream of racing
Well I was mostly rock until I moved south. Been really gettin into some of the country music