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43 Year Old · Male · Joined on October 9, 2012 · Born on March 21st · I have a crush on someone!
43 Year Old · Male · Joined on October 9, 2012 · Born on March 21st · I have a crush on someone!

td, table, tr, span, li, p, div, textarea, DIV { background-color: transparent;}body{ background-image: url(http://www.123myspace.com/freebg/643.jpg); background-repeat:repeat; background-position:top center;} I got my background from 123myspace.comHelllooo, Well, I am a fun, loving, wildman, trying to start over from a bad past. I have a great family that I love to no end, and a positive outlook for the future! I just spent 3 1/2 years in Prison because I caught my girlfriend (now ex) in bed with a friend (ex friend) and beat his ass. I have since moved on with my life and am just trying to get things right from here on out! I am a loyal friend to those who are loyal to me, and I am very passionate about the things I do. I have a lust for life and adventure, and known to be pretty goofy at times, okay, most of the time! Feel free to message me, I like to chat! Later!

43 Year Old · Male · Joined on October 9, 2012 · Born on March 21st · I have a crush on someone!
Construction, art and photography(black and white especially), excercise, rock climbing, weight lifting, books, movies, and I love the Outdoors!
I like almost all music, just depends on my mood. I like hardcore while I am working out, Country when I am working and relaxing, and Sarah McLachlan when I am going to sleep!
Grandmas Boy! Anything scarey, Comedy, drama!
Video Games
Love Halo! I want to buy an original XBOX just to play halo 2 during the evening!

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