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35 Year Old · Female · From Rolla, MO · Joined on April 16, 2007 · Born on March 23rd
35 Year Old · Female · From Rolla, MO · Joined on April 16, 2007 · Born on March 23rd

My name is April. My full name is April Dawn Reeves. I was born March 23,1990 at 9:01 AM in Phelps County Hospitil. Grew up in Rolla, Missouri. Living in West Virginia right now and have since the age of 10. I am currently a sophmore at GWHS (Greenbrier West High School). My sport is cheerleading. Cheerleading is my life! I love it! I have 3 tattoos & 3 piercings. My tattoos consit of 1) Butterfly, 2) Rose going through a heart, and 3) Rose with triable signs. I don't regret getting them and never will. My first tattoo I got in Rolla, Missouri at the age of 14. The others I got when I was 15. My piercings consit of 1) My earlobes, 2) Top right ear, and 3) My tongue. I was 14 years old when I got my tongue pierced. I honestly think I could of waited a while, but I wanted it bad at the time! I have an older sister, Missy, who is 22 and a younger brother, Charley, who is 12. They mean the world to me. All 3 of us look a lot alike. I am a short thick female. I'm only 5ft. My brother is taller then me. I wear glasses and have since the age of 7. At first I hated it, but now I have no choice. When I get older I will become blinde and that will mess my whole life up. Hopefully they get stronger instead of weaker like they have been in the past few years. I'm a unique and very random female. Garuntee you won't find anyone like me. I like who I am and I don't plan on changing myself just because people talk. Yes I know I'm a big female, but you know what I love how I am. I can be just as sexy, beautiful, gorgeous, or glamourous as any of these skinny heffers walking around here. Beauty comes within. I don't need to show off my body to get attention nor will I show it off anyways. I am not some net slut who will show my goodies to you just to get you to talk to me. I don't play that. I'm not on here to look to meet up with anyone I'm on here to meet new people. I don't trust many people due to my past. Which I'd rather not get into. It might take a while to let someone into my heart, but when I do I'd like to keep it into one piece. I've had my heart broke enough times and yeah I know I'm only 17 and everything, but I know what love feels like and I know how it is when you have your heart broke and I'm not interested in having it broke any more. I'm very cautious of who I try to talk to as boyfriend wise. Guys around here are immature and they aren't worth the time of day. Figured that out my freshman year. I am a smart female who knows what she wants out of life. After high school I'm off to college. I plan on moving to Arizona with my Aunt Jennifer to help her and to go to school. Hopefully they have nice schools up there. I honeslty don't think I could leave my grandpa here with just my brother. It would break his and my heart. I love that man to death! I don't take things in life granted, because you never know when it's going to be gone. I've lost so many things in life and I'd rather keep everyone and everything I love and adore close to me. My family and friends mean the world to me. Without them I wouldn't be who I am today. I love writing poetry. That's one thing I do when I feel emotion. I usually don't let people read my poetry due to the content of them. Sometimes I do depending on the poem. I tend to write about my past a lot and how thing's where messed up. I know I shouldn't be living in the past and all that, but it's hard to forget what hurts you and haunts you. In the future I plan to learn how to play musical insurments. As of right now I only know how to play the piano, but not all that great. Can't read music that well. I hold a respectable reputation, I am not a slut. Although in the past word's got spread around when I was in Elementary School and I will never forget that day. My whole world was crushed due to this one guy. I'd rather not say what it was. I hate rumors and I won't tolerate them or people who spread them. They are stupid and very childish. I can't stand someone who is immature all the time. Once in a while is fine, you have to have fun, but all the time I can't handle that. I am a nice person, I really am, but once you mess with my family, friends, or myself I will hurt anyone who hurts them. I am who I am. Like it or hate it. Either way I'll be me and I still won't care. It's your opinion and I could careless! =]

35 Year Old · Female · From Rolla, MO · Joined on April 16, 2007 · Born on March 23rd

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