I am into movies, music, and think fashion is pretty cool.
Movies: Blow, Eurotrip, The Butterfly Effect, The Transporter, Crank, Final Destination, Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Without A Paddle, The Final Exorcism, American Pie, Donnie Brasco, My super Ex-Girlfriend, Mr. Deeds, The One, (To be updated)
Shows: Prison Break, South Park, Family Guy, The Office, Spongebob
Music: Eminem, Fort Minor, Linkin Park, Flobots, Hollywood Undead
Fave Actors/Actress: I know its cliche, but Johnny Depp, Jason Statham. No homo, but the dude is sexy, and that's Wentworth Miller, Brad Pitt, as if he's not liked enough already. Edward Norton
"He had a bat, and I was strapped to a chair, insulting him was the smart thing to do"
"The past is like a gaping hole, gnawing at your feet, the more you run from it, the wider it gets. The only thing you can do is turn around and face it. Buts its like staring down the barrel of a gun, or kissing a loved one"
"I don't know about heaven, but I do believe in Angels" -Max Payne
"I promised myself I wasn't going to be like that. I had to get away as far as possible"
"May the sun always be upon your face, and the wind upon your back, and the stars of destiny guide your paths" -George Jung
"Why do you care about this Burrow's guy so much anyway? Because he's my brother" -Michael Scowfield