44 Year Old
From Seattle, WA·
Invited by: 742844·
Joined on April 14, 2007
Born on October 21st
Make your own Banner Here! I've been makin music since 00.I have a deep love for music,without it I wouldn't know where I would be.I got into music in 96.USC Freaknight. was the 1st rave i went to After networking for a while I decided to start my own production Co, with some close friends of mine.Homegrown Ent. Seattle Love was my 1st rave that I threw & the one I'll always remember.I've had headliners like Donald Glaud,DJ Flave,Dig Dug,Chunky & of course all the Homegrown DJs.After doing it for a couple of years I decided it was best 2 move on.It was great ! I met so many wounderful people and friends.It will always be one thing that I will always miss.In the summer of 03,I was the head of a promotional team for Scarred 4 Life Records.I know what it takes 2 make it,so I decided to start up a record lable.4everw3st Records, My studios almost complete.I have enough music alone 2 make things happen. I would like 2 meet old friends, rappers, singers, producers, djs, managers, pubishers, promoters, models, people in fashion design, writers, instumentalist, guitarist, bands, drummers, enineers, music lawers, graphic design,animation, graffitti artist, writers, pressmen, club owners, video, photographers, web masters, ais students, anyone who has anything to do with audio and any single beautiful down to earth ladies who like to kick it and have a good time.LEASING RIGHTS $50 - You will receive a MP3 file of the song, untagged (free of soundmarks) and/or the raw .wav file. These files can be delivered digitally or through the mail on a CD. Leasing rights will allow you to use the beat for one commercial for-profit recording or broadcast. You may also use the beat for non-profit promotional or demo use. You will receive a contract in the mail granting you non-exclusive rights to the beat. Inquire for leasing prices. EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS $100-$250 - You will receive a MP3 file of the song, untagged (free of soundmarks) and/or the raw .wav file. You can also get the beat as separated tracks. These files can be delivered digitally or through the mail on a CD. Exclusive rights grant you unlimited commercial recordings and broadcasts. You have full rights to record, alter, mix the instrumental in any shape, way, or form (except reselling the beat). Once purchased, no one else may further lease or buy the same beat. You will receive a contract in the mail granting you full exclusive rights to the beat. Inquire for exclusive prices.
44 Year Old
From Seattle, WA·
Invited by: 742844·
Joined on April 14, 2007
Born on October 21st
SPIN - The Short Film by Double Edge FilmsAdd to My Profile | More Videos
Im rude? Dude you are the one posting fuck off comments on my page!! Jesus Effing Christ. Just leave me alone is that too much to ask? I some how dont think that is very hard to do..
Thank you so much for adding me as a friend! I rated your profile and became your fan! If you could do the same that would be wonderful. =) If you already have, thank you so much. I hope you have a great day and I look forward to talking to you soon. XoXo
hey we established a long time ago that you and I arent friends and never were so dont go pretending like you're dumb now dude. And who the hell are you to get pissed off and leave a comment on my page telling me to eff off you inconsiderate little ass?
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