Ok so the list
like I said above my current main thing I'd
compensatted community What does that mean it is new way to get payed for knowing people and helping them with issues that they are facinin their lives. financial, marrital, freinds, familey, children, exc. Zucburger built facebook by joining the internet to community building and guess what nobosy but him got pa to the id when he sold out. But with the group I'm with we pay everybody that is whilling to do a lil work it isnt get rich quick it is get good information build good long lasting relationshipz, famileis, country, economies
what do we do we get people the answers to lifes deepest questionz
pop quiz Can anybody tell us what three things happened in 1913 that changed the US from its original government format to the way it is now?
ancient religions and.cultures
time travel
video games
alternet energy that realy works now and has.been around.forr millinia
Government watch dogging as they all lie to us
8 years of broadcast television.
Studying Nero linguististprograming
Studying hypnosis
Studying Subliminal advertising
Inventting new items from things Iv found in my studying ancient cultures and such