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41 Year Old · Male · From ROCKAWAY PARK, NY · Invited by: DevilGirl · Joined on April 12, 2007 · Born on January 20th · I have a crush on someone!
41 Year Old · Male · From ROCKAWAY PARK, NY · Invited by: DevilGirl · Joined on April 12, 2007 · Born on January 20th · I have a crush on someone!

im a longbeach lifeguard a bartender and a private music instructor. i surf, study magic for fun, i've kickboxed since i was 16 and can do almost anything you would see at the circus. ive been chased by a shark and ran off the road, hit by car, fell 10 feet onto my neck, i went to college for music and studied classical, baroque, and renaissance guitar yet i listen to punk rock and grew up playin bass and studying rancid basslines like it was my job. i never look the same for too long so you can meet me multiple times and never realize that im the same person which makes it easy for me to mess with people that you dont see to often, and it happens all the time, Now that i got that music shit done im going to school studying something else to make money and lots of it. Im deffinatly one of the most care free people you'll ever meet but if your one of those that loves to bring drama around thinking its the "greatest thing in the world" your gonna get real mad when you realize im not going to pay attention to you. Thats how i roll.oh yea and when i play chutes and ladders i treat the chutes as ladders because im not some pussy that cant climb a plastic slide.p.s. i hate it when people chew with their mouth open and smack their lips, so stop it (you know who you are)

41 Year Old · Male · From ROCKAWAY PARK, NY · Invited by: DevilGirl · Joined on April 12, 2007 · Born on January 20th · I have a crush on someone!

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