50 Year Old
From Williamsburg, KY·
Joined on April 12, 2007
Born on November 11th
I have a crush on someone!
50 Year Old
From Williamsburg, KY·
Joined on April 12, 2007
Born on November 11th
I have a crush on someone!
my intrests are :i love to go to the movies scarry and funny i love school i have my bachlor in buisness management and i also have my Med tech cirtification as well as 6 months criminal justice. i also am an ex deputy of ky miss that to death :) i like horses and jogging and i try to go to the gym when i can :) when i am not working 2 jobs. i love computers and learning anything i can about them :)
hey gimme a shout some time im usually on yahoo the_original_dragonslayer im all about computers build custom and have my own line called Dragonfire pc's if u wanna talk more personal let me know ill give ya my shop number