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64 Year Old · Female · From Spring Lake, NC · Joined on April 11, 2007 · Born on July 1st
64 Year Old · Female · From Spring Lake, NC · Joined on April 11, 2007 · Born on July 1st

I am a single Mom. I have a wonderful 2 and a half year old daughter. She is my joy. As my Dad was, I was in the Army,my term was for 6 and a half years. I enjoyed being in and would have stayed but medical problems incured during service made that impossible. I also have 5 brothers that served, 4 Army and 1 Marine. I have 2 nephews still in the service, 1 Air Force, 1 Army, and 1 nephew who just got out of the Air Force. They are all brothers.
I can not work so I can spend most of my time with my daughter and the rest of my family. I am very family oriented. Family is the most important thing to me as I feel that when all else is gone, family is all you have. I am the 7th of 12 children and really enjoyed being in a big family growning up. We may not have had much money but we sure had fun. Both my parents were from large families as well so family reunions are really something. I lived in upstate NY till 1972 when we moved to NC where I still live today. I have family scattered all over this great country. I am very proud to be an American and feel that this is by far the greatest nation in the world. May God continue to Bless us and watch over us.

64 Year Old · Female · From Spring Lake, NC · Joined on April 11, 2007 · Born on July 1st
I enjoy bowling, and I'm on 2 leagues. I bowl in tournaments as well.
I like to crochet and work plastic needle point while watching TV.
I am trying to teach myself how to play guitar which is slow going.
I like to do puzzles, both on and off the computer.
I like to watch TV and movies, mostly DVD's.
I play games on the computer.
Mostly I like to spend time taping my daughter going through her normal kid things.
Country, modern and old time
Early rock of the 50's and 60's

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