41 Year Old
Joined on April 10, 2007
Born on October 22nd
im 23, and Im currently in the navy stationed down in VA beach, but im originally from Montgomery County, MD. I party like a rockstar and somehow dont end up in jail for any serious offenses "KNOCK ON WOOD" unless you consider public nudity, public indecency, inciting a riot, and impeding justice all in one arrest serious. Oh yeah, and a urination in public violation. anyways, going through a divorce from a chick that tried to kill me cuz she decided that she was "comfortable, and didn't need to take her meds anymore" Turned out to be OFF HER ROCKER!! i blame marrying her in the first place on all the drugs i did in college. Other than that im into indie films, tons and tons of comedians and music. I write my own screenplays when the mood strikes me. Im into pretty much anything outdoors and every sport i can get my hands on. Played soccer and i dove through highschool and college. Played lacrosse and rubgy too. A bit of hockey when i was younger along with any other sport my parents could get me into playing so i could get outta the house and not drive them nuts.
41 Year Old
Joined on April 10, 2007
Born on October 22nd
entirely too many bands and great music out there to just narrow down... lets start out with the basics.
SUBLIME, Clapton, Dispatch, O.A.R., Tribe Called Quest, DMB, Louis Armstrong. Im pretty much into everything... im kinda a jack of all musics so to speak