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40 Year Old · Female · From Glen Burnie, MD · Invited by: 775725 · Joined on April 9, 2007 · Born on May 15th · 1 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!
40 Year Old · Female · From Glen Burnie, MD · Invited by: 775725 · Joined on April 9, 2007 · Born on May 15th · 1 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!

My name is Megan, I'm simple... So there is no "h" in my name! Stop trying to make everything so complicated. I hear what everyone says around me, and probably talk just as much as they do, if not more. I worry, fear and stress a lot, all the while, trying to enjoy what is going on around me. Just like the rest of you, I have a past, so I regret a lot. I am little bit of everything all rolled into one. Some people call me crazy, those people are probably right... I listen to all kinds of music, and watch all kinds of movies. I love to read, and usually can't fall asleep unless I've been reading. I blame my Mom for that one. I enjoy watching sports when I have the time, even though I couldn't play any of them to save my life. Sushi is my favorite food, it tastes awesome, and BONUS it's healthy! I'm a dork, and I make an ass out of myself A LOT! Sometimes I regret it, but most the time I just feel stupid... Either way, I live through it. :) I love to dance like no one is watching, and sing like no one is listening. I try to live everyday like it is my last, God only knows, it may be. Just like 99.999% of other people, I've had my heart broken, but I still love a lot. I don't like holding grudges, they make life difficult, so you shouldn't either. I'm random. Half the time you probably won't know what i'm talking about, humor me, smile and nod. I like watching kids shows and movies, they keep me childish at heart. Innocent and forgiving of all things is something I wish I could reobtain. I'm not ready to grow up, even though my parents gave me the right guidance to be able to cope, the real world is a scary place. Looking "hot" sucks. Screw all of you that won't talk to me cause I'm not "hot", I'm comfortable dammit, leave me alone! This whole thing makes me sound really serious, I'm not. I'm from Northern Utah, so thats fun! I have a family, so I hurt and miss a lot. My whole family, and most of my friends, are still out in Utah, so I try to go home as often as possible. I didn't leave there for the first time until I was almost 18, sometimes I wish that I had just stayed there. On the other hand, I am thankful for all the friends I have made, and the experiences that I have been allowed to enjoy. I think that I'm ready to move again. I can't stand being in once place for too long, it makes me crazy. My best friend Lauren is more like a sister to me, and she sets the bar for the kind of people that I want in my life. My family puts the "fun" in disfunctional, and I wouldn't have them any other way. My sisters and I fight like world war III, but if you EVER say anything bad about them, I WILL kick your ass! I'm the only one thats allowed to talk about my family. Spending time with the people that I love is a must, all though they are few and far between. Now that I'm rambling and you know everything about me... I think I'll move on... I'd like to meet someone who reminds me of no one, so that I may retain some kind of faith in individualism. Here are my guide lines for my friends; Real people, the kind that don't talk about other people behind their backs... Real friends, the ones that you know you can count on all the time... People that will love me unconditionally, and continue to be my friend no matter what crazy thing I'm into at the moment. People that will always be respectful to myself, my friends, and my family. Confident people, there is nothing more frusterating than having to constantly reassure someone. If you are a part of my life, it's only because I want you there. We are all worth something, figure out what it is about you that makes you someone that everyone needs in their lives. People that aren't jelous... Jelousy, in my oppinion, is a wasted emotion. People that love themselves (especially you girl people, there are enough people that don't like you, don't make it harder on yourself). People with some kind of a belief system. I don't care what kind of God you believe in, but faith is an important step in becoming who we are. People that don't speak ebonics, you sound STUPID. People that aren't into 'grillz', cause that makes you look STUPID on top of sounding STUPID. Intelligent people, that are capable of being totally goofy. Someone responsible, that knows how to relax. Spontaneous people that want to do things that probably aren't a good idea in the long run, but it sounds like it at the time, so we do it anyway. On the same hand I like some things to be planned, so I want people that aren't so busy that they can't stick to plans. People that don't get annoyed by my total sensless humor. People that know how to drink to enjoy the night, and don't drink to end up totally sloshed. Most of us did enough of that as teenagers. It's time to grow up, and learn how to remember the night before. Someone that has enough in common with me to have things to do when we are together, and enough not in common with me to make it interesting. People that can teach me the life lessons that I have not yet learned. People that I can teach life lessons to. People come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. When you figure out which one it is, you will know what to do for each person. I have said it once, and I will say it again, the people that I love are few and far between. I am always looking for more, you can never care for too many people, and too many people can never care for you! Love is blind, but friendship is clairvoyant!

40 Year Old · Female · From Glen Burnie, MD · Invited by: 775725 · Joined on April 9, 2007 · Born on May 15th · 1 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!
Time started:: 3:23 A.M. Basic About you: Name:: Megan Gender:: XX Height:: 5'00" Short Eye color:: Brown Hair Color:: Naturally dark brown Age:: 22 Birthday:: May-15-1984 Lefty/righty/ambidextrous:: Right Piercings:: Six Tatoos:: Nine Zodiac Sign:: Taurus Ring Size:: 9.5 Grade:: A.. lol... More about you: Are you named after anyone?: My moms best friend in high school who recently passes away :( Do you live in the moment?: Probably more often than I should. Do you consider yourself tolerent to others?: Yes. Do you have any secrets?: Sure do. Do you hate yourself?: Never... Do you like your handwriting?: Nope... It's crappy and messy. Do you have any bad habits?: Tons and tons. If you were another person, would you be friends with you?: Duh! I am the coolest person to walk the Earth. :P Any regrets?: Some. Do you think life has been good so far?: Yes, I do. Are you confident?: More than I should be... How long does it take you to shower?: FOR-EV-ER! What color is your room?: White. Where do you want to attend college?: HA! Do you...? Smoke?: Not as of late. Do drugs?: Nope... Never again... Drink?: Not in the last five months... Go to church?: No, but I should. Sleep with stuffed animals?: No, but I sleep with me Sqush pillow. Take walks in the rain?: YES! I love the rain. Talk to people even if you hate them?: No, I refuse to talk to anyone that I don't want to talk to... Drive?: Yes, my new car too... WOOT! Believe in premarital sex?: Yep... Want to get married?: Uh... Little late for that... Want to go to college?: Sometimes more than others. Want to have children?: Sooner than you know. Sing in the shower?: Nope, I think my roommate would smack me... Get along with you parents?: Very much so... Get along with your sibling/s?: Some more than others, but I love all of them. Color/highlight your hair?: Every six to eight weeks... Like coffee?: Nope. Wear makeup everytime you go out?: Hahahahaha, no. Love roller coasters?: Yes I do. Like to cook?: Sometimes, but I prefer to when I have someone to cook for. Have you ever...? Hurt yourself? : Uh.... Been out of the country?: No, I'd love to though. Been in love?: Yes, yes I have. Done drugs?: Yep, but it's been a while. Gone skinny dipping?: Sure have... Had surgery?: Couple times... Played strip poker?: Hahaha, spring break... Good times! Been on stage?: Not since high school. Pulled an all nighter?: way too often. Gone one day without food?: I'm sure... Slept all day?: Yup. Kissed a stranger?: Ummmm... No. Had a dream that came true?: Yes... Creep ass Deja vue. Broken the law?: yeah. Stolen anything?: I used to steal my older sisters clothes... lol... Sorry Candis Been on radio/tv?: Nope. Been in a mosh-pit?: Nope... Never been to a concert. Bungee jumped?: No, but I'd love to.. Had a dream that kept coming back?: Still do. Gone out of state?: Yes. Live in other states?: I've lived in four now. Eaten an entire box of oreos?: Haha, yes. Had a movie marathon?: Lauren and I are having one right now. Spun until you were immensely dizzy?: Yup. Been on a plane?: I hate flying, but yes. Ran into a wall?: Probably. Been rejected by a crush?: No. Who in their right mind would reject me? lol Cried in public?: More than likely, all though I cant remember when... Cried over a movie?: Children of Men made me cry several times. Pranked called someone?: I'm sure. Gotten a cavity?: Yes, my teeth suck. Shopped at Abercrombie and Fitch?: Nope. I won't wear $100 dollar jeans. Broken a bone?: Yeah. Fallen from a tree?: No, not that I can think of. Passed out?: Yeah... Been to a theme park?: Went to Six Flags a couple of times this summer. Eaten sushi?: I ate sushi on Wednesday... Thanks Jordan! This or That Pepsi or Coke:: Dr. Pepper. McDonalds or BUrger King:: Burger King Chocolate or Vanilla:: Vanilla. Black or White:: Black... Burgers or Hot dogs:: Burgers... Boxers or breifs:: Boxers Book or magazine:: Book... TV or radio:: TV is the glass half empty or half full:: Half full sun or moon:: Moon... I'm a night time kind of girl. hot or cold:: Hot romantic comedy or thriller:: Thriller waffles or pancakes:: Pancakes... Florida or california:: Florida Black and white or color photos:: B/W The city, the beach, OR the country:: the beach Tennis shoes or sandals:: Sandals, flip flops even... Sweet or sour:: Sour Private or publie school:: I went to public... Cappuccino or coffee:: Tea English or history:: English, I suck at history Science or math:: Math, I suck at science Do you believe ...? in miracles?: Not so much... in magic?: No in God?: Yes.. in Satan?: One does go with the other, now doesn't it? in ghosts?: I don't know... in luck?: If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have none at all... in love at first sight?: I believe in lust at first sight... in Santa?: Uh, no. in the Easter Bunny?: Noooo... in witches?: Not really... that it's possible to remain faithful forever?: I'm sure it's possible... in wishing on shooting stars?: I don't know that I believe in it, but I do it anyway... that cussing is a necessity in life?: LOL... I don't do so well at not doing it. yourself?: Yes I do. Love and all that - Do you consider love a mistake?: No If someone you had no interest in had interest in dating you how would you: I'd be honest with them, it's all you can do. Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them?: Thats what dating is... Getting to know someone. What is worst about the opposite sex?: Nothing, everyone has their bad and good qualities. Who and when was your first crush?: Matthew Wells, sixth grade... First thing you notice about the opposite sex?: Smile, eyes... Right this moment... What are you wearing?: Pajamas What are you worried about?: Ugh... What book are you reading?: Angels and Demons foe the second time. What time is it?: 3:46 A.M. Are you bored?: Not really Are you tired?: Yes... Are you talking to anyone .. or on the phone?: No... Are you lonely or content?: Content. Are you listening to music, if so then what?: Nope... The Last... Dream you had:: Dunno... Nightmare:: Can't remember... Time you cried:: Yesterday on the phone. Movie you watched:: I'm watching Better Off Dead... Movie you rented:: Dunno.. I don't rent movies often. Book you read:: The Man Who Fell To Earth Word you said:: I laughed... Time you laughed:: Just now. Person to call you:: Lauren... CD you played:: Some mix I have in my car.. Song you listened to:: Regret. annoyance:: Dunno... IM sent or recieved:: Something to Lauren today. Time you yelled:: Two weeks ago... Person you yelled at:: AJ... time you were a skirt:: I dunno... I don't really like skirts.. time you fought with your parents:: I don't fight with my parents... Time you wished on a shooting star:: Last time I saw one... Probably over the summer... Thing you ate:: Taco Bell... Time you showered:: This morning... Nail polish color worn:: I don't wear nail polish... I have acrylic nails. Your favorite: Type of gum:: Spearmint. Restaurant:: Sushi Hana Season:: Summer Type of weather:: Warm Emotion:: Giddy... Color:: Pink, of course... Perfume:: Pure Poison, Christian Dior... Candy:: Snickers.. Pizza topping:: Lately, it's been pineapple... Fruit:: haha, pineapple. Veggie:: Avacado... Type of cake:: Angel food cake... Magazine:: I don't read magazines. TV Show:: Big Love... Day of the week:: Wednesday. Month:: July Holiday:: The 4th of July Number:: 8... It's infinity sideways... Sport to watch:: Basketball Flower:: Lillies, and daisies... Finally... Time Finished:: 3:54 A.M.
Music is a huge part of my life, here are a few of my favorites: Lovage, Emiliana Torrini, Mum, Muse, Juana Molina, Bobby Darrin, Nikka Costa, Jeff Buckley, Dispatch, Jamie Lidell, Holes, Rebellion, Badly Drawn Boy... Fall Out Boy, A Perfect Circle, Our Lady Peace, Queens of the Stone Age, Hawthorne Heights, The Used, Alkaline Trio, The White Stripes, Less Than Jake, Reel Big Fish, Authority Zero, Three Days Grace, Diesel Boy, Drum and Base, Save Ferris, Sublime, No Doubt, Korn, Garbage, My Chemical Romance, Green Day, Linkin Park, Imogen Heap, Type O Negative, Metallica, Avenged Seven Fold, Blink-182, So Damn Thirsty, Jem... Bob Marley, Sean Paul, Nelly, Tupac, Biggie, 50 Cent, Twista, Yung Joc, Jay-Z, Ludacris, Usher, Black Eyed Peas, Outkast, Jamie Foxx, Dr. Dre, Eminem, Snoop, ICP, Nas, Twizted, Missy Elliot, Lil' Kim, DMX, The Roots, Ne-Yo... Mariah Carey, Beyonce, Alsiha Keys, Jennifer Lopez, Gwen Stefani, The Pussy Cat Dolls, Rhianna, Blaque, TLC, Britney Spears, Kelly Clarkson, Mary J. Blige, Mandy Moore, Christina Aguilara, Cindy Lauper, Madonna, Hart, Blondie, Peaches... Garth Brooks, Tim McGraw, Faith Hill, Sara Evans, Dierks Bentley, Brad Paisley, LeeAnne Womack, Rascall Flatts, Sugar Land, Kenny Chesney, Shania Twain, Keith Urban, Gretchen Wilson... For starters... :P

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