Names Briana.People Call Me Beaner Feace.I'm in love with this guy.His name is Josh.Mexicana&&White is my mixed heritage.I was born to be a stubborn bitchy ass.HeHe=]Everyone is quick to judge,but only on some occasion I am.I always speak for myself.I don't talk to people unless they say something first.Its just me.I'm in love with Alex Rodriguez[New York Yankees]I get that I have a unique way of making people laugh.Its true.I like to give nicknames to people.Oh,and I laugh at people who think their FamousI'm the center attention at schoolI love thugs=]].They make me smileWas in a gang.B.L.O.O.D LOVEPeople that smoke are disgustingCrown Royal is the shitMoonshine is very strong.It makes me Gag15 years oldFreshman in HighschoolI work at Mcdonalds.Yes.Ronald Mcdonald is a fag.I love tacos&&Enchiladas.Gothic people scary me.People That Are EMO.CutDUH.My bestfriend is gayMy Step-dad has cancerI love Nikes&&ConverseBut mostly Nikes
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