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40 Year Old · Female · From Bozeman, Mt · Invited by: 782065 · Joined on April 7, 2007 · Born on July 17th
40 Year Old · Female · From Bozeman, Mt · Invited by: 782065 · Joined on April 7, 2007 · Born on July 17th

I live in Montana. That's the state situated between North/South Dakota, Idaho, Wyoming and Canada for those of you who might not have known.

I'm going to school for metalsmithing with a minor in art history. It's respectable.

40 Year Old · Female · From Bozeman, Mt · Invited by: 782065 · Joined on April 7, 2007 · Born on July 17th
I enjoy anything that induces having a good time. A 'good time' as defined by me and is subject to change.

This might include: doing stuff outdoors, riding motorcycles and 4-wheelers, shooting guns and archery, playing computer and video games, listening to music, going to shows, drawing, metalsmithing, dancing, welding, lovin' on the Rat Boys, photography, hanging out with friends and family, sleeping, cooking epic meals, partying in excess and being lazy. I also love tattoos, cheese, chocolate milk and scarcasm.

Again, I would like to emphasize the riding motorcycles, metalsmithing and welding parts, they are my loves.
I have a deep and ever growing love for music. I like all kinds of music, but not every kind of music.

I am most partial to ska, punk, oldies, underground rap, hair rock, classic rock, rockabilly, blues and other random things such as MSI, Faction of the Fox, MC Chris and the Bloodhound Gang. I'm not sure exactly what genres those would fall into other than sweet.

If you've got any bands/artists that you think I should check out, feel free to drop a line. I'm always open to suggestions.
Examples include, but are not exclusively limited to: Lock Stock And Two Smoking Barrels, Pulp Fiction, Nightmare Before Christmas, Boondock Saints, Snatch, The Life Aquatic, Fight Club, Monty Python, Mystey Science Theater, Office Space, Clockwork Orange, Oh Brother Where Art Thou, Evil Dead, Army of Darkness, Little Miss Sunshine, Hot Fuzz, Planet Terror, etc.

Movie suggestions are greatly appriciated. I'm always up for a new flick.
My family is pretty cool, once you get past the overwhelming weirdness. The Ninja Turtles are pretty cool too. But they're not real. Gabe and Tycho from Penny Arcade are also pretty kick ass. Too bad they're not real either. They might be my idols.

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Video Games
I absolutely love video games. Well, computer games actually, I'm not too crazy big into consoles, although I do love me some Super Smash Brothers Melee.

But about 95% of my game playing time is occupied by Half-Life (including all of it's mods, but mostly Counter-Strike and Sven Co-op) Unreal Tournament, WarCraft, StarCraft, Dungeon Seige, BaboViolent, Halo, Diablo and just about anything else I can get my hands on.

My little brother and I have pretty intense "kill sessions" which we take very, very seriously and I do love me some drunken LAN games.

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