53 Year Old
From Fort Worth, TX·
Joined on August 12, 2012
Born on October 8th
Not forsure this past yr I've worked to much to even get to know myself . I do know summer tIme is my fav time of yr . I love anything outdoors lake camping fishing .but lately life's been boring work come home work come home. U feel me? But I love to have fun I like being around family and friend hang out with my boys but enuff about if u like to know more u can ask
53 Year Old
From Fort Worth, TX·
Joined on August 12, 2012
Born on October 8th
Women sports women fishing women . Lol Jk anything fun I'm interested in people I'm interested in
Hard heavy classic rock I like country as well. Give me slayer to linkin park down to led zeppelin I'm a happy camper as for country just a few singers I care to hear
Funny scary and romance . Lmmao just kidding on the romance sorry women I'm not into chic flicks my main interest is scary movies
My idols r my kids!!! They r awesome I sometimes wonder if they come from me and wished I could done what they have done at there age
Video Games
I don't play video games to much but if I was to play it would black r games like it