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Female · Joined on April 5, 2007 · Born on January 28th
Female · Joined on April 5, 2007 · Born on January 28th

Yah, I don't have much to say right now.. about me is strange why do you care ne ways. Me is me! Without him *brandon* it is just me but those days are the past now I am looking to my future mr. demarco that are friendship keeps growin every sec where we can kiss without feelin the friendsy feel to it. But even though Brandon is the past we are still friends to keep the band continuing but there will never be ne thing there ne more. Cheaters cheat and thats what they do you can't stop them they are adicted just like drugs... But demarco is so different and i am glad because I am tired of these sleeze bags.. Guys make us bitchy. If they didn't hurt us so much we wouldn't have to protect ourselves so much. There the whole reason why we stay friends before we date so we can see the real u. Guys are the ones who scares us for life by the beating mentally or even physical. Guys make us dress whorish. Because they made us feel like dress from cheating on us and hurting us that we actually don't care who takes the offer! Guys are the cause in a lot of girls problems. As well as girls are in guys because it goes both ways.

Female · Joined on April 5, 2007 · Born on January 28th
Props to my tightest girl for the kick ass nic name goddess_of_freak! Nick u know I had to appeciate u in someway!JUGGALOS, JUGGALETTES,NINJAS,HOMIES whatever u want to fucking call them they fuckin kick major ass. Being down with the clown and not giving a fuck who u be! interests are icp, twiztid, blaze,amb,abk, etc clowns are the fuckin best. Music is the fuckin shit! I am a music alcoholic and i think i might need rehab for it! hahahaha.. My major interests are having a good time do crazy shit that ppl would never expect. I play guitar and sing in my band so i am a kick ass rocker! i love to dress freakish and i like to fuck with ppl screwin wit their heads
Music alternative, rock, heavy metal,INSANE CLOWN POSSE, slipknot, my chemical romance, aiden, korn, greenday, silverstein , disturbed, metallica, godsmack, nine inch nails, hawthorne heights, evanescence, ozzy,him, viva la bands, papa roach, the used, blink 182, breaking benjamin, sum 41, tool the bravery, the blood brothers, lost prophets,linkon park, ,system of a down, twiztid,panic! at the disco, fall out boys, fly leaf, blaze, any body killers, axe murder boys, staind, wednesday 13, 69 eyes, Black label society, pantera, marilyn mason, rob zombie, bloodhound gang, nirvana, cradle of filth, afi. etc. and many more...

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  • Someone ⇒ GoddessofJuggal...
    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

    17 years ago · Reply
  • CvjnsvGoddessofJuggal...
    Hope your day is going great! If not perhaps you'd like to check out my new pics!
    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketQ82551593

    17 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ GoddessofJuggal...
    Just wanted to say hi!
    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

    17 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ GoddessofJuggal...
    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

    17 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ GoddessofJuggal...
    Hey, I've never done this before so I hope this works the way I think it's going to.Here's the link to something I thought you might like.The person has lots there to rip, just remember to rate it first.Ok, have fun and happy hunting. Will let you know if I see more.

    17 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ GoddessofJuggal...
    """"Friendship . . .. . . is you.. . . is love.. . . is shared.. . . is forgiving.. . . is understanding.. . . is shared secrets.. . . heals many hurts.. . . is not judgmental.. . . is shared laughter.. . . is slow and steady.. . . can be angry at times.. . . is dependable and true.. . . is more precious than silver or gold.. . . is meant to be savored like fine wine.. . . is not perfect, much like we are not perfect.. . . does not hold grudges or demand perfection.. . . makes all the wrong things in life, right somehow.. . . is meant to be gulped like lemonade on a hot summer day.. . . is always there, through times of trial, happy times and hard times.. . . just happens, but once discovered, needs to be tended like a beautiful garden.. . . is a road to be traveled slowly, remembering the sights and sounds.. . . is strength when you are too weak to notice its there.. . . is a cherished moment of mutual understanding.. . . reaches into your heart and grabs a firm hold.. . . is a refreshing rain on a hot day.. . . is sunshine through the clouds.. . . cannot be forced or induced.. . . is relaxed and comfortable.. . . is a shoulder to lean on.. . . is an ear to whine to.. . . gets better with age.. . . is shared tears.. . . is shared pain.. . . is shared joy.. . . is shared.. . . is love.. . . is you.Send this to the ones who have touched your life, in either a small way, or a HUGE one, and pass on the power of friendship, the joy of love, and the respect of one heart touching another.I leave this to you my friend because you matter to ME!! and always will!!"""

    17 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ GoddessofJuggal...
    Welcome to CherryTap! Hope you enjoy yourself here.Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

    17 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ GoddessofJuggal...
    Thanks for the rating ............Art

    17 years ago · Reply
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    FU DADDYGoddessofJuggal...
    Dropped by to say hello. Rate/Fan/Add Me and I'll return the favor

    17 years ago · Reply
  • BRAD BERNGoddessofJuggal...
    yo whats up man,thanks 4 the add

    17 years ago · Reply
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