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46 Year Old · Female · From Lafayette, CO · Invited by: Clam Piss · Joined on April 5, 2007 · Born on October 11th · 3 referrals joined!
46 Year Old · Female · From Lafayette, CO · Invited by: Clam Piss · Joined on April 5, 2007 · Born on October 11th · 3 referrals joined!

Glitter Pet Images from Bopmyspace.com

I am a 28 year old single mom. And at the moment life is pretty boring, all I seem to do is work and take care of lil man... LOL But I can't complain life is good.

What is your name- Debra
Height- 5'5
Weight- not telling
Best quality- Honest
Nickname- Strawberry
Eye Color- green/hazel - they change by my mood
Haircolor- Strawberryblonde
Age- 28
Birthdate- 10/11/1978
Current Location- Lafayette, CO
night or day- day
sweet or sour- sweet
chocolate or vanilla- chocolate
beer or hard liquor- hard liquor
black or white- white
personality or looks- personality
cats or dogs- dogs
Been in love- yes
drank until you blacked out- yes
Skipped school- yes
Drank alcohol- yes
smoked a cigarette- yes
smoked weed- yes
snuck out of the house- yes
Whats the worst thing that has ever happened to you- tell ya later
What do you think happens when you die- u go to heaven or hell
Do you believe in karma- yes
Believe in god- yes
personality or looks- personality
do you ha ve a job- yes - full time - work to damn hard
If you had one wish, what would it be- a more peaceful world
Color- Green
Store- Kohl's
Drink- Strawberry Margarita
Food- All Mexican Food
Book- no favorite just like to read
Music- no favorite like most genre's
Season- Spring
Piercings- None yet - thinkin bout the tongue
Tattoos- strawberry on the back of my left shoulder
How do you want to die- quick and painless
Do you want to get married- yes
Do you want kids- i have one not sure i want more
Do you drink- sometimes
Smoke- used to not anymore
Your most missed memory- Debra
What do you want to do when you are done with highschool- gosh i've been out of high school for a long ass time, but being in insurance isn't what I wanted to do.... LOL
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46 Year Old · Female · From Lafayette, CO · Invited by: Clam Piss · Joined on April 5, 2007 · Born on October 11th · 3 referrals joined!

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