:-):-)Here is the link to the new bomber family page I started. If you want to be a part of it, check the page out, read the blog and send a freind request to the page and put a little note in the friend request letting me know you are wanting to join the family and that it is not just a random friend request.FU-Bombers @ fubar
SENT AN ANGEL TO WATCH OVER YOU LAST NIGHT BUT IT CAME BACK I ASKED WHY? AND IT SAID THAT ANGLES DON'T WATCHOVER ANGELS! *SEND THIS TO ALL THE PEOPLE YOU REALLY CARE ABOUT *20 angels are in this world, 10 are sleeping 9 are playing AND 1 is reading this comment, SEND this to 10 friends including me AND if you get back 5 replies, someone you love will surprise you
@ fubar