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41 Year Old · Male · Joined on August 4, 2012 · Relationship status: Married · Born on February 23rd
41 Year Old · Male · Joined on August 4, 2012 · Relationship status: Married · Born on February 23rd

I'm creative, laid back, and am willing to try pretty much anything once.

41 Year Old · Male · Joined on August 4, 2012 · Relationship status: Married · Born on February 23rd
I am into anything outside (rock climbing, snowboarding, boogie boarding, kayaking, scuba, triathlon, swimming, snorkeling, mountain biking, archery, and more) When I'm not outside I read, watch movies, surf the internet.
I have not run into any music that I do not like. Some takes a while to grow on you, but nothing that I have outright said I WILL NOT LISTEN TO THAT AGAIN. It all depends on my mood what I do listen to. On any given day you can find me listening to Rock, Metal, Folk.
RHPS, Pixar, Disney, Dreamworks, Graphic novel movies, and more. Pretty much anything with an engaging story line, good graphics, good cinematography, or quirky gimmicks.
The one from the first Indiana Jones, where he tries to replace it with a couple scoops of sand in a bag. I do not really have anyone that I want to be like. I am too busy being me.
Video Games
I decreasingly have been playing the Xbox, PC, Wii, N-64, Sega Genesis and Nintendo. I usually play Diablo 3, Fruit Ninja, puzzle games, marksmanship games, and learning games.

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  • Charels Muntz I'm out in Hawaii for 2 weeks, it's my first time out here so I don't know what's out there besides the stereotypical stuff. If anyone has any ideas and wants to hang out let me know.
    12 years ago · Comment

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