42 Year Old
Joined on April 4, 2007
Born on June 24th
Make your Comments HEARD using COMMENTYOU.comI am new to this whole Cherry Tap thing but I figured I would come and see what it's about. I am a proud mother of three beautiful girls that are my whole world. I recently fought and beat cervical/uterine cancer and live my life to the fullest. I can no longer have kids but God has already blessed me with all I could ever ask for. I thank God everyday for my girls. Without them I would be nothing. I am a school nurse at a residential school for kids that have mental illness and are wards of the state. It's pretty intense and I love it. When I am not working or taking care of my kids I love to go out to the clubs. I love to get my drink on and shake my ass on the dance floor... I can be the nicest person you have ever met but if you piss me off I can be the biggest bitch too. I don't take any shit and speak my mind. I am probably one of the most honest people you could ever meet. I don't see any point in lying. If I think it or did it, I am going to say it and admit it. Life's too short to play games so it's all about being real!THE REAL YOU:1.Are you a lover or a fighter? I am a little of both. I will love ya to death till you do wrong by me than the fight is on...2.Are you real or fake? I am probably the most real person you will ever meet. I tell it like it is and never act like someone I'm not. If you can't be you than what's the point.3.Have you ever told someone that you loved them even though you didn't? Never. It takes alot for me to open up my heart like that. Love is not something that you should fuck with. If I say I love someone I mean it with all my heart.4.Have you ever had a one night stand? One or two come to mind from back in the day5.What is your greatest fear? Something bad happening to one of my children. I had some bad shit happen to me when I was young. My parents did all they could to love and protect me but sometimes even that is not enough.6.What is the worse thing you have ever done? I'd rather not say....It's bad enough that I have to live with what I did for the rest of my life. (no it was nothing illegal just immoral)7.Have you ever done drugs? Yes I have. I use to be really bad and there was never a moment I was in my right mind. My kids changed all that for me and I have been clean ever since (except for weed every now and then which is far and few)8. Have you ever been married or thought about marriage? I got married when I was 18 after I had my first daughter. We had a lot of pressure coming from both sides and finally gave in. We seperated a little over three years ago. We were both too young and still had alot of life to live and experiences to have.9.Do you have any regrets? I have alot of regrets. I know I cannot change them though so I take that knowledge so I never have to have that same regret again.10.Are you a private or open person when it comes to you and your life? I am pretty open about most everything in my life but there are a few things I will never share and never have.11.Are you a prude? Now that's funny. I am very picky about who I will do shit with but when I do choose someone...Well use your imagination. I aim to please and fulfill my man's every fantasy whatever the fantasies may be.12.Have you ever had your heart broken? Yes I have and it hurt like hell.13.Have you ever broken anyone's heart? Sadly yes14.What is the one thing you have to accomplish before you die? Before I die I need to know that my girls can take care of themselves without me. I want to be able to see them grow into the beautiful woman I know they will be. When I know I have accomplished that I'll be ready for it to happen.15. What is the hardest thing you have had to fight for? My life...Two weeks after I found out I was pregnant with my youngest daughter Cheyanne I found out I had Cervical cancer. If I chose to treat I would lose her but if I didn't it could spread. I chose to wait and thank God everyday for the decision I made. After I had her I found out the cancer had spread to my uterus as well. I had to have a complete Hysterectomy and Radiation. I can no longer have kids but that's alright. I was told I could never have them when I was 16 because of other problems I had had and I have 3. God blessed me with my three girls. I have been cancer free since 8/4/2006.16.Have you ever cheated or been cheated on? Yes to both...I would never cheat again though. If I am in a relationship and feel I need to stray I would leave that person to save both of us the pain and heartache that may folow.17.What do you rate yourself from 1-10? Personality wise I feel I am a ten but I have very low self esteem when it comes to my body now. Before I had my kids I was very skinny with a perfect body. I am by no means a big girl now but not at all were I want to be.18.Would you take a bullet for someone you love? I would take a bullet for one of children in a heartbeat.19.If you could explain your life in one word what would it be? Complicated20.If you worst enemy was bleeding to death would you help them or walk away? I know it is hard to believe but I would help. It's in my nature to help. That's why I became a nurse in the first place.
42 Year Old
Joined on April 4, 2007
Born on June 24th
REAL FRIEND TEST ! This is GOOD..I expect it back too! I especially like the last Sentence!!!!!! A simple friend, when visiting, acts like a guest. A real friend opens Your Refrigerator and helps himself (and doesn't feel even the least bit Weird Shutting your 'beer/Pepsi drawer' with her foot!) A simple friend has never seen you cry A real friend has shoulders soggy from your tears.. A simple friend doesn't know your parents' first names. A real friend has their phone numbers in his address book. A simple friend brings a bottle of wine to your party. A real friend comes early to help you cook and stays late to help you clean. A simple friend hates it when you call after they've gone to bed. A real friend asks you why you took so long to call. A simple friend seeks to talk with you about your problems. A real friend seeks to help you with your problems. A simple friend wonders about your romantic history. A real friend could blackmail you with it. A simple friend thinks the friendship is over when you have an argument. A real friend calls you after you had a fight. A simple friend expects you to always be there for them. A real friend expects to always be there for you! A simple friend reads this e-mail and deletes it. A real friend passes it on and sends it back to you! Pass this on to anyone you care about......if you get it back you have no beginning, no end and it keeps us together, like our Circle of Friends. Today I pass this on to you. Pass it on to someone who is a friend to You... INSTANTLY WHEN YOU RECEIVE THIS LETTER, YOU'RE REQUESTED TO SEND IT TO AT >LEAST 10 PEOPLE, INCLUDING THE PERSON WHO SENT IT TO YOU
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