38 Year Old
From Quincy, IL·
Invited by: Dark Addiction·
Joined on April 4, 2007
Born on September 8th
·1 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
38 Year Old
From Quincy, IL·
Invited by: Dark Addiction·
Joined on April 4, 2007
Born on September 8th
·1 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
It's like a dice game..either play it or get played.WhAddddUuP? name's MeLiSsA. Guy's are assssholesss & dicks..TrUE sToRy I act like uh playuhhh so I don't hurt like uh bitchhh!<WHATCHU KNO BOUT THATTTMore about me SayItRight ♥ M E L I S S A ♥ LivesItUpIn ♥ Q u i n c y I l l i n o i s ♥FellFromHeavenOnThe ♥ S e p t e m b e r 8th ♥BlownOut ♥ 20 ♥ Candles FlicksHer ♥ B r o w n H a i r ♥LooksThrough ♥ B l u e G r e e n E y e s ♥LooksDownFrom ♥ 5 f t 5 ♥ShakesHerBootyIn ♥ S i z e 1 1 ♥ Clothes StrutsHerStuffIn ♥ S i z e 8 1/2 ♥ Shoes GivesHerHeartTo ♥ S u m 1 s p e c i a l ♥ BreaksItDownTo ♥ A l l s o r t s ♥ OfMusic LovesWatching ♥ R e a l i t y T v ♥Enjoys ♥ S h o p p i n g ♥Always ♥ G i v e M e R e s p e c t ♥Never ♥ U n d e r e s t i m a t e M e ♥when your brokenin a million little piecesand your tryin...but u cant hold on anymore,every tear falls down for a reasondont stop believin in yourself...when your brokenno matter how much ur heart is acheingthere is beauty in the breaking! Wish we could switch up the rolesAnd I could be that...Tell you I love youBut when you call I never get backWould you ask them questions like me?...Like where you be at?Cause I'm out 4 in the morningOn the corna rollingDoing my own thingOhhWhat if I?...Had a thing on the side?Made ya cry?Would the rules change up?...Or would they still apply?...If I played you like a toy?...Sometimes I wish I could act like a boy
38 Year Old
From Quincy, IL·
Invited by: Dark Addiction·
Joined on April 4, 2007
Born on September 8th
·1 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
hey beautiful how are u doing i hope all is well with u sorry i just dont come on here as much anymore so laters would like to chat with u sometime if u want to well laters